Can't Put A Finger On It
I feel my base is lost.
I have experienced depression before in my life, it is an unwelcome guest. I feel myself turning away from everyone, I see it and unwillingly recognize it for what it is. I listen to Amy Winehouse now constantly, I put myself all out there for those who need from me and internally crave solitude. I keep the edge of tears inside. I do not recognize myself. The last time this happened was twenty five years ago, hello old visitor.
What kind of fuckery is this, thanks Amy, great fucking line.
When I see what the universe is telling me about myself I don't like it. I have this sense of myself as a person who does right, who gives. But there must be something here that does not add up, otherwise I would not be faced with the things I am. But I know that's full of fallacy, too. It does not make sense, either. Sometimes I feel like there must be something underlying me I don't know that ultimately shapes what happens with me, and all that happens is sad. It has been since my former husband insisted upon divorce. He represents a change in life to me, I am distantly horrified I ever trusted him. We were at a place the clinic was humming, I was going to set back from day to day therapy and write because we knew that if I am ever able to have just SIX MONTHS to do nothing but write, all the rest would be set. But things have been off track in ways I cannot still understand since he made that decision. And when he demanded that we resume where he left off with me, and I could only and simply say NO, I have not been able to reconcile within myself the horror of the fact that he would put my sons through a divorce, the sheer ravage of the entire process, and then think that with a flick of his finger I would simply be back.
Nothing in the universe is making sense to me these days, I love depression, it's a load of fucking shit filled fun.
The man I am married to is the man the man I looked around for in my mind all my woman life, I settled for my ex husband in my early thirties, I had given up on the vision I carried since I was a child. I am thankful to god that my husband and I actually met, I knew he was my second husband before I ever saw him.
My mind runs wild with sadness, angst, pure lostness. There is no base, nothing to anchor myself to.
There are concrete things I can try to attach to, but none of them have any real meaning to me. I can press send on my cell phone in regard to a text to princess which reads: "I'm tired of you disappointing people here. (OH SHIT, I JUST ACCIDENTALLY SENT IT, OH SHIT CANNOT UNDO)I don't want you to clean your former room, and I won't have you try to manipulate Kieth to do it either. I will clean your former room, princess. You need to understand that your living independently outside of this house is permanent.
OH SHIT, I ACTUALLY SENT THAT. I should not write things that are meant for therapy for myself, not actually meant to send. But, shit, I guess, in the moment I feel a bit relieved that I told her she is out for good. Don't know what the fallout will be, but I have lived with nothing but fallout that I did not garner since my ex's mama was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 4 years ago. She had a 1% chance of surviving one year. The load of trailor trash is alive and kickin' still this day.
My emotional distress is rising, think I'll sign off here for the moment. Oh, shit, I sent that.
Oh, shit, I'm sending this.
- princessandthepee's blog
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I am so sorry you are feeling
I am so sorry you are feeling so bad!! but don't worry about the text, sometimes things just come out, that NEED to.
It may relieve some of your stress to put the blame, where it belongs!!!!!!!
HUGs honey (((((((((((PATP))))))))))))
As someone who has struggled
As someone who has struggled with serious depression in the past - I can only add my observation that when one feels this bad - something major in your life has to change before you can start to get better. In some way you are living the wrong life for your health and wellbeing.
I know you have awful issues with SKIDS, but I don't think that is the whole story. I have awful issues with SKIDS, but they do not trigger my depression. I think it may be more fundamental - what, I don't know.
I think I know how you feel.
I think I know how you feel. The last time I felt truly safe and anchored was when I was married to my late husband, was in law school and all was right with the world. That was almost a decade ago. Since then every day is an open question of what fresh hell will hit me. I have not known peace or a moment of true relaxation since.
Much I brought on myself. Some is a result of the workings of fate or the universe or simply the way life evolved. But I understand your sense of being adrift. I too am lost and the fight to find a safe harbor is exhausting what little strength I have left. How ironic that both of us are in a field where we constantly deal with the problems of others yet ours remain unsolved! I often say that not once has my office phone rung and I heard a client say "Hi, Beyond. Just wanted to call and let you know that everything is great! No one is in jail, no one has violated a custody order/divorce decree and I have no intention of suing anyone. Bye!"
I wish you strength and hope. I don't know if you subscribe to the "depression is anger turned inward" theory. Not being a therapist I am not certain of my opinion but I do know that I am angry as hell - at myself, at the cruelty of fate and death, and the way things have turned out because I put my trust in the wrong things. I don't know if that is true for you but I wish you well and well-ness and at least a fleeting moment of peace.
I wish peace and comfort for
I wish peace and comfort for you too. I am so sorry to hear that you understand all too well how I feel.
Well, I like the text. I like
Well, I like the text. I like the blunt honesty. fall out? Who gives a shit. That's where some of us falter, giving a shit about people's reactions to our responses for being treated badly.
StepAside, yes, it's begun to
StepAside, yes, it's begun to leak out, I call her by her true name to everyone, my filter is off. Not in an angry way all the time. It is my truth, I most easily speak that way, I run into problems within myself and my relationships when I do not say the things I think and see. I was at once relieved and horrified at my text. That was on the heels of my spending the day with my niece cleaning the hell out of her room, ending up with astham attacks and hives all over myself, her room was so dirty, and my intentions and plans to go through every room of the house and clean it because this young girl with cancer must at the very least have clean air to breathe. This is a point where my interal pain threatens to overcome me, none of these things should be. Yet somehow they are.
My message was factual, nothing more nothing less. It communicated to her exactly how incively I see her, how she will never change in my eyes. I threw down the guantlet once and for all, everyone who has been in her camp has to make a true and final decision. I am the woman of this house, but more importantly, I am the one amongst all of us who oversees the greater good. It wears me out in a profound and deep way. Leaves me sad and depleted.
It is not that I want to die.
It is not that I want to die. I feel that that has alreay happened. What I am focused upon now is how try to regain life. I will, and I hate that urge toward life as much. This is what spells out depression to me.