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Nothing changes...

princessmofo's picture

Asshat dh is still that... An asshat. He managed to have a momentary attitude adjustment in time to collect his birthday and Father's Day gifts, of course. But we're right back where we started from "All Hail POC SS" blog.

Same scenario played out last night. Only this time, my youngest DS was smart enough not to take the bait. POC SS comes whining for someone to play with him. DS says he's busy on his iPad. POC SS goes crying to "dadddyyy". Naturally, "dadddyyy" comes to his rescue and plays with him. DS comes to me in the kitchen, tells me what happened, and remarks that POC SS is "too needy". This gem from a seven year old.

Asshat dh DID NOT attempt to say anything to DS about not kissing POC SS's ass and playing with him, he knew better. But nothing fucking changed.

Asshat still has not spoken to his spawn about anything. We are still second class citizens in our own home. Asshat has still not lifted a fucking finger to assist in housework, yardwork, etc.

I freaking give up! I mean, what more can I do?! Seriously praying for a miracle so I can get as far away from this life as possible...


Tuff Noogies's picture

^^^THIS - every word of what sally said.

princess, i love ya doll, but i wish u'd quit banging your head against the wall. your dh is going to parent POC the way he WANTS to. so.... let him do it. let him hammer down. your give-a-shit needs some serious busting.

and housework? yardwork? only do what you FEEL like doing. if you dont feel like it, DONT. he apparently doesnt care anyway, why should you?