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I knew it!

purpledaisies's picture

To follow up on weather dh got his kids this past weekend. He got 1 boy! I blogged that first ss11 called and wanted to go to a bday party over night. Dh let him go to it. Then bm texted and wanted to keep the otehr 2 so she could have some 1 on 1 with ss15. (I blogged about her wanting him to live with us then changed her mind)

I told dh that this is all a classic PAS move on her part and not to let her do it. Not to mention she can have 1 on 1 with ss15 on mon (today) as there is no school. So anyway he decided to let the boys choose if they wanted to come or not. only ss13 choose to come. WHY???? B/c ss15 KNEW that if he stayed with b she would spend $$$ on him. SS 11 was at a bday party and ss13 knew that bm would not spend any $$ on him she never does.

dh picked him up and took him to dinner and spent some time with him playing around. Which was good for them both.

Then when we went to drop him off last night we had a few mins till she got there and dh just happened to ask what are you going to do tomorrow since there is no school not thinking too much about it nor did he want to know what bm was doing but it was more of just killing time. ss13 said "me and ss11 are going to aunts house so mom can have some 1 on 1 with ss15."

I don't know what is up with bm that was LOW! Crappy of her.

I didn't say anything to dh about it at all but I bet he will think twice the next time she asks to keep the kids on his weekend! Or at least I hope he will.


purpledaisies's picture

I do too but I an tell you that they see right through her crap. Only thing is that they milk her for all the $$ they can get. She mainly spends it on ss115 though.

SS13 is very smart and he knows that bm spends money on ss15 mostly and why too. She wants him to be on her side all the time and to buy his love. All the boys know that their dad refuses to buy their love and he is a PARENT! Bm lets them do what they want all the time except she cuddles them way too much like most PASing bms do. My MIL calls it "powdering their butts" LOL

somerg's picture

my d h has been given that ultimatium before, "obtw, the kids are signed up for a camp next weekend (father's day weekend) and i've already paid for it" he let them go, (wont be again, he's vowed to that 1 because she doesn't ever agree to "make time up" because "i'm not required to") and no call from either kid father's day because "we were at church and left as soon as church is over.............BALOGONIA!! you called at 5 am for a stupid dance you waited til the last minute to tell us about, you can't call at 5 am on father's day to wish your dad a happy father's day?" that's too early..........ok whatever

bm he's not a sperm donor or a bread'll get yours