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seems as my dh pulled a move too

purpledaisies's picture

We had a bad ice/snow storm here. Most places are closed. this dh weekend for skids. dh actually wanted to pick them up tonight. What seriously? Our road is closed! Plus they live an hour away down a dirt road way out in bfe! really their drive was made when they built the house. It's a home made road! Ss18 coukdnt get out in his truck he tried.

Dh and I got into it b/c he wanted to go get them an hour away. He kept arguing that he gas a 4 wheel drive and he drove to work and back. First we live only 20 mins from his work and mostly on a paved.

I'm sorry but isn't it safer for the skids to stay at their moms and safer for us. Geez!


hereiam's picture

4 wheel drive means nothing on ice. Yes, it's the safe and sane choice for everybody to skip it this weekend. These men are nuts.

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you! That was/is my point. why get out if you don't have to? I think it should be better safe then sorry. I'd rather them be here for another visit than no more.

purpledaisies's picture

Justastepmom that was awesome. Loved it. I should tell dh that. Lol