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ss17 told bm he understands why dh divorced her

purpledaisies's picture

Apparently they were fighting over laundry or something like that and ss17 told yuck that he understands why hus dad divorced her!

He told her that her verbal abuse and her raging fits is why dh left her and she is nuts.

Not saying it was right for him to say this but it sure was funny.

The sad part is that yuck kids see through her and don't like to be around her much. And yuck brought this on herself.

When yuck gets in a rage she doesn't let it go for days and days then she keeps on with it all day yelling and calling the person she is mad at names and has been known to even call that person and call them horrible names and write them out of her life. But then when she needs IR wants something they are her best friends again.

This is what the boys get tired of.


purpledaisies's picture

I agree disrespectful but we,have tried so hard through the years. We were always telling him she is his mom and not to talk to her like that. But the thing us if yuck lets him do and say whatever he wants. She has said she don't want to make him mad at her so she does nothing.