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Seriously - WHO cares if he fails??

Queencow's picture

BM is pushing for SK13 to participate in Football. Hes never participated before.

Last year, in MAY, she made all sorts of noise that he wasn't doing well in school and needed to be enrolled in "special school tutoring". (its been proven hes not doing well because hes not completing assignments from home...)

Let me add to this by saying - we live 3 hours away - we see SKs 2 weekends/month - AKA ALL of their schooling is on HER TIME.

Football is a commitment of 2+ hours EVERY DAY PLUS Saturdays for games....Also clearly there is a conflict of parenting time. DH wrote a message to her clearly pointing out the concern. She responded with some fluffly BS about all sorts of crap....

DH wants to quash it - claiming is some big deal if hes not doing well in school. I completely disagree.

IMO who give a rats ass if he fails - ITS HER TIME, its her wanting him to play, its HER who made the big deal that hes not doing well in school (WEEKS before school ends - dumbass)....LET HIM FAIL. We already said we think theres a conflict - SHES responded with "he will manage it" - fine let her prove it, WHY should we give a shit? Generally speaking do I care hes failing - well certainly I wouldnt WANT him too - but HEY psycholady is convinced in her own world with purple clouds that there is no big deal here. Shes a nut, shes ridiculous - let her have what she wants...As for the conflicts of time - let him play - we offer to take the time in lieu.

Now, my question is - WHO looks like the hero and WHO will look like the failure when it all fails...If DH says no its pretty clear who looks like the failure....And yet why say no - this doesn't affect us, we wont commit to driving him 6+ hours every weekend - no we give the time up for later - he still plays and when a failure occurs its ENTIRELY ON HER.

I am so tired of fighting with crazy people.


Queencow's picture

Thanks Luckymomme - I am new here...I think more than anything this may just be a place to vent my SM frustrations because I dont have others who get it or want to listen, not expecting anythign back (although thats always nice to have Wink )

BSgoinon's picture

I am completely with you. He voiced his concerns.... leave it at that. "BAD IDEA and this is why"... now when he is right, he can do the "I told you so" dance. AND he won't have to stress about it in the mean time. SHE is the one that will have to deal with it. I understand him not wanting his kid to fail, but what other choice does he have, really?

None as far as I can see.