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a bit concerning...

QUINJAI3's picture

well as usual hoildays time with sd-6 is all fun and games yet this time her behaviour has dramaticly improved and shes actually trying to follow our rules so i would have to say we have gone from a 2/10 of last hoildays through to a 7/10 no fooling.

however i am concerned about some of the things that sd has said about her dear old bm 1st we have plans this afternoon to go shopping after hubby finishes work which might result in us having a late night so i thought i better tell the kids in advance or we have drama and sd had the following to add when i have my nap at bms house she sometimes lets me stay up to, i asked do you have naps every day sd no just when i'm at bms house.

a question raised with this 1. why is a 6 year old having daily naps exspecially when shes at school 5 days out of 7 from 8.30 to 3.30 and then her bed time is 7pm at her bms ( this is what we've been told.)

the second more worringsome issue is the kids where playing house and bs-4 was the mum/dad and sd-6 was the baby they where pretending to be out at soccar and sd wanted to go home and bs said no but then sd ( out of character) said that bs character could just take her home put her to bed and then come back as this is what mums do.

a big question raised here of wtf we at one time or another had our concerns of sd being left alone but thought we were overreacting but now i'm starting to wonder maybe we where right.

i am currently very concerned and just wondering if we should react or not?