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a little light at the end of the tunnel....

QUINJAI3's picture

well last week we took a pretty big blow from the courts which left us angry and feeling some what hopless.
but i did a lot of research yesterday and have potentionally found a way around the games bm is pulling and how to get sd to be allowed to have her say which will benefit our arguement.
we do need the help of sds school as they can provide evidence of the bms blantent lies. we are currenetly waiting on the legal aid to approve our application for a lawyer so we are doing it on our won currently but hopefully not for to much longer.

a broken heart....

QUINJAI3's picture

well as most of you know last friday was the court hearing for shared care and we didn't get the news we were hoping for an now seem to be faced with an up hill battle with bm lying her fat arse off the intire time...

bad news

QUINJAI3's picture

well as most of you know today was the hearing for shared care...

well as it turns out the courts will not change current orders unless there is a major concern for the wellfare of the child...
if you want amendments done you need to come to an agreement with the other party and do it via consent minutes of order.

the likelyhood of that friggin cow agreeing to us being in sd-6 life is slim to never figgin gonna happen....

back to routine

QUINJAI3's picture

well kindy/school holidays are over so back to our usual routine now. our hoilday asscess went well excluding bms complants about how we had sd hair cut so she now believes she needs to go get it done properly which will cost her money the poor dear. and now just a bit nervious about firday as the shared care battle starts so feeling a bit edgy as these proceedings where never nice in the past and it wore all of us down from the continual bitchyness of it all. on a funny note i found the brother in law and his partner on my space and was having a good giggle over it.

o.m.g i'm tired....

QUINJAI3's picture

well we sent the email to hubby's brother about how we feel about him currently and what has lead up to us feeling this way about him but also what he can to to amends the rift...we haven't heard a thing from him but did get some texts from hubby's cousin whom we only see at christmas time and maybe once around their grandmothers birthday so that was nice to finally hear from someone only so they can complain at you.

some peace at last...

QUINJAI3's picture

well when hubby got home from work last night and once the little ones where in bed we talked over the situation with the invite and other matters and decided to decline the invite but instead of just saying no we emailed the brother and his fiance and told them how we currently feel about them and why and how it could be resolved the ball is now in their court to make amends.

i hate my husband right now...

QUINJAI3's picture

well to add insult to injury, hubby rang on his lunch break and i expressed how i felt about his brothers stupid wedding invite and told him basicly if these poeple ( i use that term lightly) will not talk to us i will not let them talk to our children sd included and that we will not attend the event well hubby said yes i understand but i'm going to go so i asked why and he said because it is expected.

simply put i'm annoyed...

QUINJAI3's picture

well for those of you who have read my blogs you will understand the relationship my hubby and i have with his brother and fiance.
for those who don't i'm sorry if this doesn't make sence but we haven't seen or heard from my husbands brother since november last year due to very selfish and demeaning actions, they have missed basicly half of my youngest sons life.

a bit concerning...

QUINJAI3's picture

well as usual hoildays time with sd-6 is all fun and games yet this time her behaviour has dramaticly improved and shes actually trying to follow our rules so i would have to say we have gone from a 2/10 of last hoildays through to a 7/10 no fooling.

evil bm...

QUINJAI3's picture

hello to all,

today was our day to pick up sd for her holiday stay and we where waiting to see how she was after her bms outburst at my hubby from last weekends access when sd brought up her desire to go on a shared care arrangment.
