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that friggin' cow.....

QUINJAI3's picture

i will apologise for this next blog right now as i know i do not have anything nice to say next....this is a complete rant next the bm has crossed the line and is driving us crazy so i have a few nasties to get off my chest, sorry to anyone who doesn't like mad crazy ranting....

that friggin fat cow, this weekend is fathers day yes? YES! well next week is also my hubby's grandmothers 80th birthday and my father in law who lives interstate is coming down we have not seen him in the flesh for a few years as it isn't an easy thing for him to travel often. so my hubby's family is organisung a huge dinner next wednesday for the grandmothers birthday and because of hubbies father coming down so it is sort of a fathers day thing as well.

well hubby thought as he has it in the court orders to see his daughter from 6pm tonight saturday prior to fathers day through til 6pm sunday so fathers day he thought instead of having sd for that time he would ask for just the wednesday night so that she can see her grandfather who she hasn't seen in over 2 years and her great grandmother and be there for a special family dinner with cousins uncles etc. hubby as been texting bm since last weekend to see if we could have sd from 6pm wednesday til 8ish so only 2 hours or so and not fathers day which he is legally allowed to have as we knew bm would say no to both visits. well we have heard nothing from bm until around 5.30 tonight when she said sd was unavalible wednesday but hubby could see her tomorrow. so hubby text back okay i'll pick her up at 9am tomorrow morning and bm text back no you can see her after 4.30pm. so hubby tried to call and ask what was up why wouldn't bm ley him see sd for is allowed time and she refused to answer the phone, so hubby graped the court orders and checked his allowed access time and when it stated from tonight 6pm til tomorrow 6pm hubby went to bm house to retreave sd and bm refused so hubby called the police as this was a breach of orders and they said they could not help he would have to call the courts on monday. so hubby came home as bm made it clear hubby wasn't going to see sd at all now.

that friggin cow for a few weeks now she has been nothing but a complete bitch ruining our items, verballing abusing sd and when called on it she ignores it neglecting sd ( ignoring hygene practises, not dressing appropriately and questionable food choses either fast food or nothing usually nothing) and when we've tried to bring up matters with her she either ignores our questions or says that we made the stuff up. i've completely had enough we are going back to the courts first thing monday morning and filing for a breach but will also look into filing complants about the other issues we have.

i have had enough of this woman using sd to get back at hubby for what ever it is he's done to upset her and then getting nasty when we don't do what she wants yet when we follow the oders or the law she gets nastier. we have 3 ideas as to why this bitch is doing what she is doing this weekend.
1. because her child support is going down due to pay cuts at work.
2. because hubby has been going to sd school and helping in her class just for and hour or so on his days off as sd's teachers invited him to do so.
3. bm has a new man whoes moved in and every other time this has happened shes cut short our time with sd as she's trying to play happy family with the new guy. so far shes had 5 or so other guys so well see just how long this one last....

i juat want this to stop i want to enjoy our time with sd as things where starting to be okay with her yet then comes the bm and every thing goes out the window and we get the raw end of things. also when things go shouth with this new man as htey always seem to do with this pyscho of a bitch she gets nastier towards hubby and our family which causes sd to behave accordingly things are tense around sd and she becomes a handful plus some and not easy to settle again. i worry that to many more of these issues will distroy our relationship with sd and what will happen then no one know i just know that i've had a gut full the clothing and items is one thing but blantently disobeying the court orders with no reasonble excuse is not okay that is our time with sd by right and bm has gone and f*#ked it up again.

i wish bm would just disapear........


luvdagirl's picture

I just write her stupid antics to she is crazy, bitter, and jelous that DH and I have made it with more interference then they ever had and we are still together.
I feel for that girl having to deal with her mom, just as I do for mine. Keep taking it to the courts attention maybe they will see her for the crazy selfish human she sounds like and do something more extreme than normal.We can always hope?

Let us know what happens and try to enjoy the fathers day plans in spite of it.
There is no reaon where logic does not exist

Cruella's picture

Is a manipulative, lying, Psycho who no one can stand or deal with. Except for her husband. I wonder if he is seeing this side of her yet? He better open his eyes because HE IS NEXT!!!