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BM has a new bf

quippers01's picture

This is good and bad. She will not cause trouble for a while because she's happy and distracted. When he dumps her like her last 3 or 4 did she is going to start shit with H again because she'll be hurt and angry and won't have a kid to hold over this guy's head to control she will do it to H just to feel like her wants matter to someone.


Realitybites's picture

I feel your pain! We are in the exact same situation at the moment, everything is lollipops and rainbows around her and the kids think she's wonderful. They forget what she's like when she's not in love with someone new (and there have been several!) Here's hoping for both our sakes, this one lasts!

Milomom's picture

Quippers01...going through same thing here (sigh). Let's all say a prayer that THIS relationship actually lasts and she stays out of our hair for good.

Our BM is currently dating another loser - he's at least the 5th or 6th guy she has paraded in front of skids since their parents divorce. Whatever - I don't care if she sleeps with 100 different guys at once to keep her occupied, just STOP INTRODUCING THEM INTO SKIDS LIVES until you're SERIOUS!!! You're their mother, use some discretion already!!

What makes me laugh about THIS poor guy, is that he doesn't know (yet) how BM is a total USER and LEECH and how she's ALREADY trying to use him! This new guy offered to "fix up" some old bomb of a car for SD16 (for her 16th bday) to drive once she gets her license. Then out of nowhere, BM dumped him right before SD16 birthday (skids told us she did so because he was "too clingy" - which was odd for skids to even bring up BM's private life - we don't ever ask skids because we could care less).

Well, what do you know?? BM gets back together with the guy literally a few weeks before SD16's birthday, so now the donated "hunk of junk" car deal is back on!!! It's truly amazing how BM continues to show her true colors of USING AND ABUSING other human beings for her OWN needs.

I'm just crossing my fingers that this guy turns out to be long-term, so I can enjoy her being out of our hair. Although, last year at this time, she became engaged to another loser that she only knew/dated for about 2 months and within 6 months of that, KAPUT engagement over.

I really do feel bad for all of these poor guys...they don't realize the true desperate hag they start to date because she somehow "reels them in" (translation: lots of sex) with her fake facade of how wonderful she is. Then these guys eventually learn who she REALLY is....and they RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!

SteppingUp's picture

We go through these ups and downs too...BM happy for a few months with her new bf and then the relationship goes to crap and so does everything with the skids and us. Then a month later she finds a new bf. It can be worrying too because she makes REALLY dumb choices and dates young guys still in college, who don't want anything to do with her kids.

Milomom's picture

HappySearch, I wonder those same things, too. I know I should really care less, but I must admit I get VERY curious sometimes about BM's boyfriends, how she is around them, where they come from, etc...

Yes, same here with BM trolling the internet for dates - she's almost 44 yrs old, yet her numerous love interests vary greatly by age (anywhere from 26 - 50) and by location (local to her town to a completely different state)

I've definitely noticed one common pattern: they're basically all losers - and probably want her for one reason: lots of sex

Couldawouldashoulda's picture

How funny, I think we posted at the same time. I was asking if it gets better when BM gets married!