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So frustrated....

ESMe's picture

So, the saga continues!!! Don't know how much more I can take. I think my SO should just take a knife and stab me in the back, it would hurt less. I told myself no one would ever make me feel like a peice of s*** like this since my childhood; but I guess I was wrong.
Update, he asked me to marry EXCITED! We are going to go look at rings this friday :):). He told me to pick the date. I say ASAP. Perhaps she would leave then????
So, she's stalling on moving, i knew that would happen. She has claimed that I put veggie oil in her coffee. Me? really? I did however take her off the favorites list on the TV over a month ago, and now she causing a ruckus about it to her daddy of course. Please...grow up, she has her own tv. She hasn't spoken to me at all since her 'blowup' in september. So, she walks around her slamming doors and being a total B****! So, she keeps adding herself back on....and I keep taking her off.
So, she met someone, she brings him over yesterday to see her bedroom. she wasnt going to introduce me to him......he introduced himself. has manners at least! Then the grandbaby comes over.... I'm feeding him. She wouldn't introduce my daughter to her friend...I had to. I hear her tell her new friend and one of SO's friends that I'm a b****. I didn't hear the whole thing...but now it makes sense. As SO's friend was leaving, he said..."go hold your nephew". What...that's why I'm being called a bitch? All she had to do is come over and ask.... but I'm the bad ass. Great!
And she of course had to 'vent' to the SO's friend about me and my daughter....that's he treats me very differently. me!
At least I didn't look at her boyfriend and say..."RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!"


Oi Vey's picture

I'm so confused.
You think your SO stabbing you in the back would be less painful and he makes you feel worse than anyone else has in your adult life, and yet you ACCEPTED his marriage proposal???
If I read that correctly, honey, things do NOT magically get better after saying "I do."