My nephew was recounting some conversations he had with my son (SS).
This past week end I took my oldest nephew (13) to a movie. On our way to the theater he told me that my son (SS) had told him that his "Dad" played a ton of video games and it was embarrasing that at 40yo his "Dad" can't support my SS's three younger out-of-wedlock half sibs.
A third party confirmation of my son's reality based opinion of his SpermIdiot.
Maybe the example I have set has sunk in over the years. What he (SS) used to think was cool about his BioDad is now "embarrassing".
Gotta love it!!!! }:)
Best regards.
- Rags's blog
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Rags - it is nice to hear
Rags - it is nice to hear that they finally "get it" , isn't it? I love hearing it, but I also think it's kind of sad that they have to face that reality. And I know I've said this before, but you have brought that boy up better than you may even realize sometimes! Remember when he said how he feels responsible for those half sibs? The kid has a good heart, and I know a huge part of it is you and your darling wife's example!
Kids are kids. He gets it now... Just wait until he really gets out on his own, and finally has his own children. THAT'S WHEN he'll be kissing your butt!!!
Stick, As satisfying as that
As satisfying as that visual may be to me
, what I want for him is to be a viable adult of standing in his community.
If he gets to viable adulthood he will pay me the highest possible complement.
Good to see you. I hope all is well in Stick land.
Best regards.
Honestly Rags, I have no
Honestly Rags, I have no doubt he'll get there! And you have every reason to be proud! You dragged that into knowing / learning what real manhood is about and I fully believe he will BE a good MAN!
Things are going well here. SD is growing into a beautiful young lady! She has come out of her shell - made new friends, has just gotten her driver's permit, and is a senior next year! She did AP classes last year and got 4's on her tests, so she will now have some college credit for them. She also was in the play last year. Next year, she is taking a special class that only a few select students from our entire area get to participate in where she will have internships in her field of interest (therapy). It was a big accomplishment since she had to have 2 teacher referrals and a guidance counselor referral, plus show her school transcript to be accepted. Only 12 kids got in and that was from the pool of all the school districts in our area - so we are very proud. She is also turning into a "typical" teenager, so as much as that can be a pain in the butt... it is infinitely better than where she was a little over a year ago!
Her driving skills need to be worked on though, as I took her out for her 2nd day of practice, and she jumped a curb (in the empty school parking lot) and popped a tire!! $200 later... we are ready to practice driving again. I have the comfort of DH saying that he loves me even though I am teaching her to drive like I do... !!!
Congratulations on your honeymoon (ours was July 13th!) and on your move / new job!
I have been stalking Stalk. I don't get to write often, but I do love to try to check up on everyone.
Stick, I am glad to hear that
I am glad to hear that your daughter (SD) is thriving. My SS will once we are finally done with the SpermClan in two short weeks.
Drop by and give us an update occassionally.
All the best.