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Rags's Blog

O/T Happy birthday #61 to me.

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Yesterday I passed 60. I still don't feel any different than I did when I turned 18 until I look at the waist size on my 501s after the stiff and achy transition out of bed every AM. Fortunately, a warm shower akes care of that and I get back to as my bride says "being my usual 13yo PITA".  And the white bearded silver haired guy  looking back at me in the mirror can't possibly be me.

O/T - I still have issues and baggage from a 35yr ago marriage.

Rags's picture

We have been binge watching some very good shows. Good until likable characters cheat.  I grind my teeth, and am incensed when this happens.  I lose contact with reason and my intellect. Something I have never done on any other topic.  

My XW was a serially adulterous cheater.  Even nearly 35 years post divorce the topic is infuriating.  Cheating is obviously my lingering baggage and major trigger.  I have zero tolerance for it to the point that it drives a visceral revulsion at the core of my being for the slime that does it. Even when it is fiction.

O/T. Going rogue. Or going Rags as the case may be.

Rags's picture

So,  DW just got off a half an hour call with my MIL. New furniture for MIL came up.  I have been planning on MIL new LR furniture for some time.  No one will actually just do the things they talk about doing for MIL because "she might not like it".  I am getting to the end of my rope with everyone's walking on egg shells with MIL.  

So, I shopped for and found some very nice stylish high quality furniture that is on clearance at a place near MIL's and reserved it for delivery.  I went with dark blue since cleanliness is a challenge for MIL's home.

When your kid forbids you from living in your hometown.

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We had a nice telephone visit/catch-up with the SKid a few days ago.  We covered a ton of topics in a casual banter filled conversation of nearly 2hrs.

We talked about just about everything.  One thing that he touched on briefly was that he did not want his mom and me to ever move to SpermLand and if something happened to me he would not let his mom go back even to live near her own family.  This was his position entirely and not at my behest.  Though I completely agree with him.

I lied!

Rags's picture

My SIL just left for the airport after her weekend visit.  As she was saying goodbye to me she said "I will be back a lot from now on."  I replied. "That would be great."



 I did stay nice the whole visit though I did get taken to a corner twice by DW asking me what was wrong.  I suck as an actor.

Scratch one-s head

Be nice Rags. Be nice, be nice, be nice.

Rags's picture

SIL showed up. It is amazing how my brilliant wicked/scary smart bride instantly dumbs down her vocabulary and communication style to cater to SIL.

It is truly nauseating.

The content of discussion is amazingly brain dead.  Controlling her kids crap, making decisions on their futures while setting them up for failure, etc..

And it has only been an hour and a half since they walked in from the airport.


Happy New Year Stalkers!

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May 2025 be a year of adventure, prosperity, calm, and meaning for you and those in your life who earn it.

Now for what I did during my Holiday season.  We flew to mom and dad's the Friday before TG. We had a great time and visits with all but 2 of the Rags clan. Only SS and Nephew-1's DW were absent. Both are struggling with anxieties. Hopefully they will be in a better place by the 2025 EOY holidays and can join the gatherings.

Loss of identity.

Rags's picture

My own phone has abandoned me.  Mom and dad arrived on the 20th for the holidays.

Anytime my dad tries to access Siri on his phone, my Siri answers him.  We sound that much alike.

My bride and my parents are ganging up on me.

I feel so unloved.  My bride is my parent's daughter.  My parents like her more than they do me.

Nobody loves me.


What is a successful (blended) marriage about?

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I think I know, At least in part anyway.

I tend to put the onus on picking a partner of substance, character, honor, and quality.  However, I do not often reference THE key part of the discussion. Being our best regarding substance, character, honor, and quality for ourselves and for a worthy partner.

We must be as worthy of them as they are of us.

A synopsis of the Gens; Greatest through Alpha

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An interesting read.

Gen Alpha (2010-2024): Like the generations that came before them, every passing year will shape the cultural perception of who they are. In the meantime, parents get the pride and honor to help guide them to making the best choices -possible.
