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Went to Shelter.. 2 weeks ago.. forgot to blog it.

rcphotographer07's picture

I went to shelter 2 weeks ago.. Inner Faith.. for Family Crisis...
I didn't bring my daughter there.. because, i dont know what it look like and i dont think its safe for her. she stayed with her dad. and my unborn baby with me lol

anyways, its very nice. and therefore hubby refuses to let me have her w me at shelter.. for few days.

reasonw hy i went there.. i had a blow out w him and about step daughter gets into my biggest nerve.. how it started?

I was talking to hubby about something. and she told him that i want to kill her.. I said what the fuck! yes i did say what the fuck. because im pissed.. and I never said it and he plans to call the police. i said excuse me you believe that child i said i will kill you? i said ZIP IT means shut up.. zipper in your mouth.. and that how i started to pack up and went there. and i am sick of her fucking lies..

and he asked me to come home.. I said why should I? beacuse your daughter miriam the one who lied the shit. so i am not coming back til she apology. she didnt. so i dont give a shit about her. and he wanted us to go to counseling. so i am booking a counseling tues. if he didnt show up im not going to keep on going to counseling with him.

main problem is his evil demon daughter who lied.. all the time. no respect.. and rude.. how many times do i have to say over and over? no need to.

we plan to have seperation paper.. for a while but i guess i went back to the house to soon? lol i stayed there for 3 days. and come back.. he said he loves me so much and wanted me to work with his daughter.. excuse me why should I/ and she lied to you and trying to get me in jail that i never said.

and im 6 months now.. and i am so stressed out.. and i don tknow what i should do. and I cant leave him.. should I?

i have no place to live.. no friends, or family.. which i asked them if i can move w them. and they said no its not my problem and i told them oh wow you declined me and my daughters? okay.. that day i cut them off for good.. they declined me as thier family so i skip them. wont let my kids see them at all.

and friends no where.. guess inner faith is the only way.. to stay.. but my kids???!!!! hubby wont let me have them.... im on ssd government.. and no one going to help me at all. so depressing.

I guess have to talk to counseling this tues. and see what she/he says.

im getting more and more depress.. the way she does it and she refuses to listen to me. respect me and all that shit.

only thing i can say is.. talk to the counselor and see what is her opinion is. and i get my opinions as well.. and see it works. ugh.. went to counselig couple months ago. and she betrayed us.. made us to pay 300 bucks that.. medicaid didn not cover and told me that at the beginning that they pay in full.. so we dont have to worry about it. and no so we fought and finally i dont pay 1 cent.. so finally found 1.. church thing. and see how it goes.

daughter age 2, due this april 2011


buttercookie's picture

You mentioned your on SSd you don't need to tell me the disability but I do know that in my area atleast there are programs to help people on SSD get apartments, jobs if they are able, etc. I think one of ours is called helping hand. We have a few around here but it depends on the disability which one will help. Some are for physical disability some are for mental disabilities.I feel so bad for you your family isn't stepping up for you. How old is your SD? Does she live with your H full time? I know she's probably being a brat but your also dealing with the hormones of pregnancy so I'm hoping things will look better and get better for you soon.

rcphotographer07's picture

she is going to be 8 year old.. this jan 26th. and no, she lives w us.. every other weekend.. but we always fight fight fight for almost 2.5 yrs. wtf.

and she comes here for 2 hours m w.. thurs only w dad.. out of the house... not w me or my daughter.

this morning, hubby sleeping.. and she went in and stand and stare in our bedroom.. i told her get out! and my 2 year old daughter comes in and wake me up.. daily basic that what she always have to tell me to get up and make breakfast.. when she up. 8 yr old.s he wont budge to move. and i have to wake hubby and told him.. he yelled at her furiously..

she ran to her room and cried like a baby. i told her you don tlisten to me.. therefore i cannot make u breakfast... she said you are mean. no its our decisons what we do.. your dad makin you breakfast not me.. im not your responsbiliity.. * i do discplining her for chores.. and listening to me beside giving her food etc.. no father does it.*

she refused to go back to her room. knw w2hat i did I PICKED HER UP and put in her BED. and oh hell yeah.. i know im prego.. and she think i wont.. * which i am NOT allowed to pick her up and all that.* i dnt give a fuck but im serious.. im not here for a game... to play each level.. hell no.

my 2 year old ate and respected me and do the chores like i asked her to do.

im mentally strained now.. i cant wait to go to counseling.. and get it over with but... and wait and see wht she says.. before finalizing the answers. i am the one who tried so hard to get the fuckin marriage to work. and doesnt seems make me happy.. if step kid not here.. IM happy 24.7.... she here.. always trouble.

rcphotographer07's picture

yeah, he wanted it work.. im trying but his daughter the evil..... gets where destorying the marriage.. so far my 2 yr old.. learning shit from her. i dont like.. and im very discplining mother. and i want her to know that i want it done. and do it or else. get punished for 15 minutes no tv and such. for 8 yr old brat.. when she doesnt listen. she whines to daddy and said she mean, she this adn that. excuse me.. you wnt friggin lsten to me so . you get 25 minutes she holler throw things even she threw at me.. im pregnant, bitch. * did not say bitch at her at ll.. its a phrase* and and stress not good for me and mental and physcially..

today hubby have to work and yesss.. i told him if you leave your 8 yr old im leaving with my 2 year old.. and he took her yes! im happy.. lol

she give us tenses that fight every time.. so tired.. and i want this baby to have both parents.. in the same house but i hate repeating lol.. i married to hubby 2.5 years. almost 3 years. and i saw the statisics says.. divorce rate.. married w kids 2-5 years and get divorced.. im 26 going 27 this sept. and i dont need the shit load of crap...

hubby says he loves me so much. and i dont see him discplining enough. and now he starting to scold her more often i dont do a thing all she is yelling and hollering and saying im lying and shit.

I rather to go back to shelter and have a peaceful mind.. and need alot of thinking about. we did talk about divorce.. several times. but he kept wanting me back.. and why wont i put my foot down and say no its enough i had enough.. i need to move on.. this is really stressing me out and not good for me or you.. with that brat child. who doesnt have no discpline.

why wont i say it and DO IT? ugh those women who done it and finished what they have done and walked away with thier own children and being happy.. married again or not...

mother of 2 year old and due in april 2011