I need help finding out if dh's daughter is really dead
It's a long story but dh started a new job and his son works there. Dh hasn't seen his son in about 20 years due to their bad behavior and bm poisoning them against me and my children. Dh was forced to step aside since bm and his kids were intent on hurting him and us. So, dh works in an office and on his first day he was introduced to everyone and that's when he he saw ss. They work in different departments but they are on the same floor. SS shook his hand like everyone else and didn't acknowledge him as a relative until someone asked if they were related (same last name). Ss said yeah, and told everyone that dh was his sperm donor. Dh thought about quitting but this is a huge step up for him in his career and a huge financial increase for us. Think corporate world and pay. Dh has worked very hard and he earned this promotion. Dh and ss have pretty much ignored each other but last week dh was working late with a co worker and walked past ss's cubicle and saw a picture of one his daughters in a frame. He stopped to look at it and his coworker said it must have been hard to loose her, and asked if that is what caused the rift between him and ss. Dh asked what he meant and his coworker said when she passed. Dh asked hin to clarify and asked if his dd had died and his coworker clammed up and just said he thought sd passed away 3 years ago. Dh came home distraught and we searched the internet but all we can find is a locked down facebbook page with her picture. I have spent 3 days searching and trying to find any information but I have no idea where she lived or if she married and changed her name. We have nothing and when dh asked ss if sd had passed ss said to f@ck off and then reported dh to HR for harassment. Dh was called into a meeting with his boss and HR and was told to leave ss alone and leave his problems at the door. I'm looking for advice on how to find out if she really passed and how she died for dh. I don't care to be judged on dh not sticking around to be abused. This sd put my dd in the hospital with a serious injury and then called 911 on us and caused me to be arrested. I didn't force dh to stop contact he made the decision on his own to protect me and our family.
- Redin's blog
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If she died only three years
If she died only three years ago, there must be an online obituary. Have you tried searching for SS's or BM's name? They might be mentioned in the obituary.
I've searched but I don't
I've searched but I don't know if bm remarried or changed her name. I've searched for just his childrens first names and nothing comes up either. I've tried it every way possible. I'm stumped. If i knew which county she lived in I could find out that way. I contacted facebook and gave them the details and asked for access to sds page (i pretended to be dh) and I'm waiting to see what they do.
He made the choice to not be
He made the choice to not be her life while she was alive. He should leave her and her brother alone now.
The pain and devastation he is feeling now, may be his KARMA for the choices he made 20 years ago.
It's not karma to know if
It's not karma to know if your child is alive or dead. He should have been notified.
I think it is really easy to
I think it is really easy to be judgmental when one hasn't experienced pathogenic parenting (the new name for parental alienation.). The feelings are complex and unfortunate and the targeted parent is often blamed.
The impact does not dissipate after "twenty years" nor are many fathers given the opportunity to converse or "forgive" their children. The fathers don't make a "choice" to be in their lives. Remaining is impossible. Particularly when the "children' are late teens and adults.
I think it's pretty obvious in some of the vitriolic comments by BMs on this site. Which only strengthens the argument that BMs can pathogenic parent quite adequately and there's no need of walking away rather of being pushed away.
ABSOLUTLY Thinkthrice^^^^^^^^^^
The parent is erased right in front of everyone's eyes.
(respectfully to the poster--Pathogenic parenting is not a NEW name for 'Parental Alienation " it is the correct term that must be used. (Dr. Childress)
I know a nice, responsible
I know a nice, responsible man going through this. His ex is just crazy and PASed all three kids. He's doing everything right and fears he'll lose them forever... it's very sad. He tries to maintain communication but when BM controls all contact I'm sure the kids don't know he's trying. And as adults I can see them not seek outbtheir father.
and no doubt those same
and no doubt those same people would be even more scathing if he didn't care at all. Can't win with those kind of people. Best ignore them OP
I don't know the system in the US so sorry I can't give any advice, hope you can find it. It is better to know, one way or the other. It is sh*t of a BM to not at least let him be aware.
Wow. That's a pretty rotten
Wow. That's a pretty rotten thing to say.
I'm just at a loss for words with that.
I can understand why your DH
I can understand why your DH is grieving. He probably thought that he could build up a relationship again with his children now that he is in close proximity. But, SS wants nothing to do with him and he hasn't spoken to SS or SD in 20 years. I think you and your DH should respect that. SS obviously harbors a lot of anger for being shut out of his father's life, just as you and DH hold SD responsible for the breakdown of your family. I would harbor a lot of anger if any of my step children harmed my child and then lied to have authorities come after me. I don't blame the both of you for doing what you needed to do at that time.
It seems like you've done all you can to find out what happened to SD. And, trying to contact people close to her to find out will just cause those people emotional distress. I think your DH should talk to a therapist to try and work through emotional issues that he's dealing with from finding this out and also to help him give SS boundaries at work. SS didn't ask to have his dad work in the same office as him. It seems like SS is respecting those boundaries, so I think your husband needs to figure out how to do that as well.
I understand what you are
I understand what you are saying but I don't think dh can go on without knowing. He is trying to contact his other dd in hopes she will be more open to talking but so far she hasn't responded or acknowledged him.
I think your DH is causing a
I think your DH is causing a lot of heartache for his children that he hasn't had contact with for a long time. I think what he's doing is unfair to them. I understand that he's grieving and he wants to know for sure, but it's been 20 years. I think he needs to talk to a therapist that can help him grieve without disturbing people he left many years ago. If they've made it clear that they don't want contact, I think he needs to respect that.
I agree and disagree. As a
I agree and disagree. As a parent he has a right to know if his child had died. Had his kids acted like decent human beings and contacted him he wouldn't need to bother them and their grief now. The decent thing to do would be to tell him and let him mourn his dd.
I get that these situations
I get that these situations are way more complicated than what is written in posts and comments. I hope your husband finds the closure that he needs.
As a parent he had a
As a parent he had a responsibility to parent his children.
He didn't act like a decent human toward them for the last 20 years. Why do you expect the kids to show a higher level of decency than he has shown them?
blah blah blah Disney Fan. I
blah blah blah Disney Fan.
I urge you to read and educate yourself on this atrocity called Pathogenic Parenting. You can start by looking up Dr. Craig Childress.
Have you ever wondered why kids in foster care just want to be back with mom and dad? How about a child who' parents are crack heads...the kids want to live with them in spite of all things.
Arent you the least bit curious when divorce papers are filled OUT, what once was a warm parent child relationship all of a sudden STOPS.?
TO answer your question disneyfan---because this adult kid is STILL not his authentic self and I bet YA my last dollar the BM is still living with her handful of minions still living too. READ "STARK REALITY" by Dr. Craig Childress. Google it Disneyfan...it is a very short read.
You can hire a PI, they
You can hire a PI, they should be able to figure out what her name is and where is is
There are web site that you pay for information that might help a Never isi it so don’t know
You can start with SM name and address trying to get SD new name
Marriage records of the state where she live
High school Facebook page class of.
The key is to fing out New last name.
I hadn't considered that.
I hadn't considered that. Thank you! I'm going to look up one now.
DH needs to respect his son's
DH needs to respect his son's wishes. It seems like SS is well versed in how to inform the 'authorities' of being 'threatened'. So DH leads by example. He respects his sons decision and keeps to himself. After all, he is the new kid on the block and SS has had several years to tell his story.
As far as finding out if his daughter is deceased, ouch! This may not be something that he will discover in a few days. It may take several weeks or a month or 4. He needs to be patient. He hasn't considered the possibility of his children predeceasing him before. And does he really have a right to know if his child is deceased? Really? When he hasn't been part of their lives for many years? As he hasn't sought out his children before he doesn't get to claim the entitlement to have the right. I am sorry but to assume his kids will see the error in their BMs ways and their entire lives have been a pack of lies ... It is like the guy who is accused of rape and at the trial he is found innocent. How many people will believe he is really innocent? So why would his son suddenly realize everything is not as it always was?
DH was looking for the day he could reconnect with his children. Now that is more unlikely than ever. Just plod on and search for his daughter. She will come to light one day. DH doesn't talk to or about his son at work or in any arena work colleagues can access like FB.
And who knows, maybe his son will come around. Or maybe not. DH has to live with whatever happens so therapy will definitely help.
Considering everyone involved
Considering everyone involved has been an adult for quite some time, everyone has made their own choices to remain estranged. For some people, choosing to be violent and assaulting others to the point of hospitalization is completely forgivable behavior (for skids only -- any other category of human is "toxic and abusive and you need to get away from them").
I hope your husband finds out what happened. I'm sorry for the pain this causes him.
Honestly, this is on your
Honestly, this is on your husband. There is a huge difference between taking a step back while maintaining open lines of communication and walking away for 20 years.
you mean PUSHED away.
you mean PUSHED away.
^^THIS^^pushed away AND
^^THIS^^pushed away AND erased..POOF gone.
'I CAN MAKE YOU DISAPPEAR' a bm once said...or so I was told.
So? He is an adult in this
So? He is an adult in this situation. He could have done a number of things instead of washing his hands and walking away. But ONCE he chose the path of least resistance, he tacitly agreed to ending the relationships cold turkey. He can’t come back 20 years later wondering why his children won’t communicate with him.
At the very least he could have tried to initiate communication once a year, especially while his kids were children, teens and young adults...you know be the adult parent.
Ilumine - this is the myth. A
Ilumine - this is the myth.
A targeted parent CAN send cards, letters, emails, texts. Often the letters and gifts are thrown away by the alienating parent. Numbers are changed, so texts and calls cannot be received.
The "child' will not be open to any form of communication.
Many contempt cases can be filed and the alienating parent is given nothing more than a warning. Which changes nothing.
Yet the targeted parent is still blamed as "throwing the child" away. But did everything possible to remain in contact.
I know this, sadly, from experience. Going on too many years.
That IS what I meant. Ops DH
That IS what I meant. Ops DH did not even TRY to communicate with his children and yet seems shocked and hurt that they in turn did not try to communicate with him.
I’m not some Pollyanna SM; I understand how Parental Alination works and how pervasive it is. But PA will always work 100% of the time if the other parent doesn’t even try.
I was going to suggest this
I was going to suggest this as well. Vital records can be accessed by the parents.
I found my stepfathers exact
I found my stepfathers exact date of death by searching the Social Security Death Index. It's cruel that no one notified DH of her passing.
We just read about a poster's
We just read about a poster's stepson who steals from them and does drugs and causes his druggie friends to break into their home and he has fathered a child that he doesn't see or support. The very good advice was to stop the codependent enabling behavior and to let the kid go his own way. I think if my own child
Was like this and caused one of her siblings to be hospitalized with major injuries and had me arrested, I think that yes I would cease all contact with my own child until she had grown and changed. I don't think that is throwing them away like trash. I think that is protecting yourself and letting your kid grow up and mature and face the consequences of their actions. But people who behave in such a way probably do have a higher chance of meeting an untimely end. I was estranged from my father as he was a drunken and abusive man with criminal tendencies. Who here is suprised that he died at 36 and that he never got his act together and we never mended any burnt bridges?
^^this^^ 100percent this. My
^^this^^ 100percent this.
My bio' know if they do this junk-they are on their own.
Does your DH have internet
Does your DH have internet access? Does he know how to use Google?
There’s a plethora of sites that will tell you EVERYTHING you need and want to know about a person. For a small fee, of course. I think People Finder is something like $10. That’s just pocket change to your DH, making all that money... right?
Save yourself the time and mental energy of going around and around and around with strangers on the internet, by pointing your DH in the right direction. This is on him - not you.
If he really wants the skinny on his daughter, he’ll find a way to find out.
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I think that is probably a
I think that is probably a good idea... I can see where this is going!
Excellent. Thank you, Dawn.
Excellent. Thank you, Dawn.
I don't think I'll ever
I don't think I'll ever understand the line of thought that a parent can just 'drop the rope' and a child will come seek them out years later on knees begging for 'forgiveness' for some 'sin' supposedly committed by a minor and everything will be all fine and dandy.
It's been a while, but I've read a few blogs here over the years with the same idea. That somehow the child (who can be anywhere from age six to sixteen) will hopefully grow up, see the light of their immature brain capabilities and crawl over pleading for forgiveness and declare themselves perhaps worthy of their parents love now. Please, oh please, Daddy dear, forgive me for I was wrong. Bleh.
Twenty years is a long time. Neither one of the people (the now grown child nor the parent) are the same. And there is no turning back the hands of a clock. Not to mention not all children were the 'guilty' party all those years ago. Sometimes it was indeed the parent who set the stage for the troubles. But of course, this is Steptalk, where skids and BM are always at fault. Many times it is true, sometimes it is not. I have no clue what happened in your case, nor does it matter. Twenty years is a long time and these children who were once a part of your husband do not intent to try for a relationship now.
Yes, if your Dh feels a need to find the truth on whether his daughter is still living, he has the ability to do so. I'm sure he once loved her very much. But with that said, he needs to leave these still living adult children alone. They have chosen to go through the rest of their lives minus their father. For whatever reason. Right or wrong. There will be no coming and begging forgiveness from these children. They have made that clear. Now leave them alone.
Do your research, find Dh the information and stop insisting your Dh has some legal right to intrude upon these now grown children. Stop hanging on to some silly dream that these grown children will somehow find their way back to their father , ask for his forgiveness and grovel at his feet for the man to give them a second chance.
FWIW, my SS's biological mother was dead for six years before SS by per chance found out. None of us knew, it's how the BM had wanted it to be.
A member called notasm3 is
A member called notasm3 is married to a father whose two sons were both losers. The elder was a violent gang member, so of course they weren't close.
When the eldest son died, the BM did not inform the father until AFTER the funeral.
Not surprising how the sons turned out with a mother like that.
OP,,,I hope someone can find
OP,,,I hope someone can find the truth about dh's adult daughter.
The Private eye would work or the suggestion about Ancestry was good too.
Here’s my suggestion: go back
Here’s my suggestion: go back to her Facebook page and try to see if you can look st her friends lists. If you can’t then try to find your SS’s instead. See if you can find any pictures of her. If she’s died they would have changed their profile pics to be with her or had an open post about the arrangements. Try to identify her bestfriends and see if you can look though their pictures to catch one with her and see if there’s any comments hinting she’s alive or not. Try to find their Instagram pages or twitter.
STARK REALITY by Dr Craig Childress
Google it to the naysayers of Pathogenic Parenting. There is nothing a target parent can do until the child is in protective custody.
I tried the social security
I tried the social security death index at ancestry, but all i have is her name and birth date. There are 12 pages with no info on how to tell which one is her. Any advice to narrow it down?
Redin, I understand your
Redin, I understand your focus right now is confirmation of SD's death. However, there is another issue your DH must face which can have consequences which will affect your future. That is his continued employment at this office where SS already works.
You've said, "...this is a huge step up for him in his career and a huge financial increase for us." You've also indicated that SS had referred to your DH as a "sperm donor" when he was introduced. And SS told DH to "F-off" when he asked about SD and then reported him to HR, who basically told your DH to mind his own business. Evidently, there is also a record that you were arrested due to family problems with the skids. I can only imagine that SS will continue to gossip, bad-mouth and perhaps undermine your DH's continued employment there.
All of this does not bode well for your DH's future there so he needs to be very, very cautious or he will find himself out of a job.
It appears that your SS has already spread the word in the workplace that his father is a piece of sh!t, rightly or wrongly. So your DH has stepped into a workplace environment which is already hostile to him, rightly or wrongly.
Quite frankly, while your SS complained of "harassment" by DH it is my opinion based on what you wrote that SS is also guilty of "harassment" and should be given guidelines by HR, too. He referred to your DH [a new employee in the workplace] as a "sperm donor' to others and then cursed at DH when he asked a question, albeit a personal one.
When DH asked about SD's death, the SS should have said, "I don't want to discuss anything of a personal nature with you so please don't talk to me unless it's strictly work related. If you do so again in the future, I will report you to HR."
What will happen if your DH needs to ask him a legitimate work-related question? SS should be required to respond in a professional manner to DH.
It would concern me if the HR department immediately brought your DH in with his boss and gave him guidelines, and did not do the same with SS. Sounds like they may have their minds made up about DH, which could be problematic for him. Most employers don't want to deal with these kinds of family/employee issues (thus many companies have anti-nepotism policies) since it's no-win, time consuming and affects the bottom-line too much.
Many companies will look for a legitimate way to get rid of the lowest-hanging problem. Which in your case, may be your DH. After all, he is new to the workplace and is older (and age discrimination against the middle-aged and older is very rampant and difficult to fight.)
If your DH is under probation as a new employee, I would ensure that he avoids SS at all possible costs and makes detailed notes of any instances where SS says anything which can be considered harassing or undermining (what was said, where it was said, who heard it, etc.)
Good luck.
I doubt dh would report ss,
I doubt dh would report ss, only because it would make him look petty after ss reported him. Dh is going to keep his head down and work.
I agree your DH needs to keep
I agree your DH needs to keep his head down and focus on work but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say your DH should "report" SS, I meant that your DH may very well need to DEFEND himself AGAINST anything SS cooks up.
For example, DH walks into common break room where employees are congregated. SS is there and in front of others, refers to DH as "sperm donor" or makes some other negative comment. Your DH should say nothing, remove himself from the situation but he should go back and MAKES A WRITTEN NOTE of the date, time, what SS said and what other employees are present. This way, your DH can keep a record of SS actions and at least he has something to defend himself with.
It may very well be that SS will create a toxic environment for your DH which could go on for the length of his employment. If it happens with frequency and increases in hostility, at least your DH can go to HR at some point with solid examples of what happened.
Why must your DH work with
Why must your DH work with your SS after 20 years of no contact? Seems like a bad choice.
Dh didn't know ss worked
Dh didn't know ss worked there until he started this job. I refuse to let ss run him off and let dhs hard work and sacrifice go down the toilet. Dh earned this job and he will keep it.
"I refuse to let ss run him
"I refuse to let ss run him off and let dhs hard work and sacrifice go down the toilet."
Shouldn't your husband be free to decide where he works? :?
I’m really good at finding
I’m really good at finding stuff, if you want private message me her name and I’ll see what I can find.
I think your title is wrong.
I think your title is wrong. DH knows his daughter is dead. SS told his co-workers about it three years ago. What he is looking for now is why/how she died.
If it's possible to go three years on Facebook, looking at posts from her or SS's friends around this time should yield some answers as her passing would most likely be mentioned.
You could also try ancestry.com If someone in the family is into genealogy she might show up in a family tree.
It's easy to judge, but it's
It's easy to judge, but it's wrong, we do not know our husband or the situation, and it does not matter,
I think DH should keep on ignoring SS, (however I would send him a nameless note and ask why don't you change your last name, you really want to be known as that man's son) DH worked hard to get where he's at and he should simply ignore the snot and go on with his life....
Regarding his daughter, hire a PI and see if you can find anything out, but it's not SS who said anything it was a co-worker, why would the co-worker talk crap about this, DH simply should've said, yes it's hard and walk on, there's nothing you or DH can do that will change the history, and S clearly does not want to forgive or respect some one,
I'm so sorry you and DH are
I'm so sorry you and DH are going through this. My dad hadn't spoken to my grandma in several years when she passed away. It's something that still bothers him, and she passed away 22 years ago.
No matter the situation, everyone deserves closure. I have no advice on how to find out, but just word of encouragement to keep trying. I understand.