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Finally, an open letter to those who write open letters to their ex-husband's SO...

redtiger74's picture

I thought this was a fair and balanced response to all those stupid open letters.


hereiam's picture

Also from Tina:

....the open letter format is just that- a format. Had I written "this is how y'all should be acting when you meet your ex's new squeeze" it would not have been as easy a read. Nor would it have been as interesting.

So, she admitted that she is not much of a writer and had to use the "open letter" guise to get attention to her writing. It wasn't a letter to the new girlfriend at all, just an article that she really didn't know how to write.

redtiger74's picture

Shoot. Sorry about posting the wrong link. I was being hurried out the door at the time. Meant to post the Huffpost letter. Thank you JennyD21 for posting the correct link.

We're going to Alaska in March. I had just posted the Iditarod link to my DH's FB page and I must not have copied the HuffPost link like I thought I did.