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Confessions of the Enabler

reluctantgma's picture

The more nights bf sleeps on the couch, the more time I'm able to read the StepTalk blogs and reflect upon the past 2.5 years with bf and Baby Huey (SS13.5). How did I get here?

My story is probably no different than umpty-million others. This guy had no balls when I met him, but I thought my stubborn and martyr-like persistence would change this fact? Everything else has played out predictably, tho having never been in this situation or knowing that so many others had, I didn't know the predictable course this relationship would take.

Auteur's blog about Guilty Dad Awareness Day (G.D.A.D.) really hit home for me -

It's only one kid, but his grotesque 200+lb caricature with the obscene looking butt crack always hanging out somehow grants him absolute authority over me and my home, parenthood proxy over Dad. Dad. Dad.

100% Responsibility, 0% Authority, that has been me until now.

Tonight bf came home toting Baby Huey's school papers from open house. First they sat on the kitchen table for half an hour or more. I was canning and successfully ignored them. Finally he picks up the packet and takes it into the living room to fill out himself. Don't think that's how he planned for that task to go.

On the free breakfast/lunch app, he comes to me complaining he can't see the fine print. I read to him what he couldn't see and then he talks about applying for food stamps. "Didja know some single dads raising their kids are getting $400-$500/month?" :sick:

I'm envisioning bf and Baby Huey dozing my cabinets full of healthy canned goods from the garden and whole grain pastas in order to install a lifetime supply of pop-tarts and potato chips. Fridge bursting its seal from multiple bottles of 2 liter "real" Coke. Simultaneously having an awake nightmare of Baby Huey at 400+lbs remodeling my doorways and collapsing my kitchen floor. Had I been faster and wittier, I'd have said, "But darling, you are NOT raising or parenting your fat kid, so you don't qualify!"

"Real" Coke. That's what Baby Huey demanded when his father was scraping up change to buy us drinks on our way home from picking him up from camp. I was buying when we took him to camp and when he said "Coke", I picked up a diet Coke. Had Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. simply picked up diet instead of "real" Coke, I guaruntee, Baby Huey would have drank it. But nope, spineless picks up the "real thing" with how many empty calories? I don't know what clicked inside of me when that happened, but somehow I just knew beyond doubt at that point that Baby Huey was gonna continue controlling my house and both of our lives for as long as I'm willing to allow it, with not a peep of protest from Dad. Dad. Dad. (as usual, imagine the sound of a calf bleating for a teat when there's a "Dad. Dad. Dad.") Oh, but let me protest to Dad. Dad. Dad. about Baby Huey. The ugly sneer on Dad. Dad. Dad's face says it all.

We've broken up over his lack of parenting his son before. I'd been better off to let him stay gone, no doubt.


reluctantgma's picture

Wish you were sitting in the kitchen with me instead of these bizarre life forms who conjure up altered realities and try to convince me they're the way, truth and light (or darkness). :sick:

Bf didn't have a healthy childhood. A big part of why I've been so patient and forgiving of all his crazy making. If he never knew or learned any better, how could he do any better? In rarer moments (like, when I'm ready to ditch him), he expresses a sincere desire to be free of all the chaos. That's usually after I have emerged from his endless sea of 'everything up in the air' and 'no control over anything, much less my life' spitting, kicking and screaming.

My childhood wasn't perfect. My brother and I were born to teen parents who divorced in a time before that became the popular solution. My mother was as flaky as a biscuit and my dad a rather remote and distant brainy type. We were sent to live with our grandparents when I was six months old. They (especially my grandfather) taught us strong values, how to think logically and critically, and to function independently. Bless their hearts. Can't say I was appreciative at the time, but I am now.

"It is like watching a 12 year-old try to parent."

Yup, exactly! Our SO's must be related. Nice to meetcha, SIL! Smile

Baby Huey has only ever known rewards in his life. He can be failing and suspended from school, stealing candy, gum and sodas from his aunt's store, and physically and verbally abusive to his BM (not that she doesn't earn it more often than no). Biodad sucks it up until he reaches his generous saturation point and then eventually explodes over something meaningless Baby Huey has done. Until that point (and soon after), it is always someone other than Baby Huey's fault that he's a f-up in school, thief and parent abuser.

Auteur's picture

Love the descriptive writing. Yep, the same here, too, although thankfully (for now) the skids (all three) have PASed out.

Oh yes, guilty daddy GG DEMANDED that their be (partial list of junk food only):

1. name brand doritos
2. name brand hot dog rolls
3. name brand kraft dinner (mac n cheese)
4. cheese pizza
5. oreo cookies
6. chocolate "milk" (virtually no milk; all chocolate)
7. no grill marks on hotdogs or hamburgs served PLAIN only
8. reeses peanut butter cups

The butterballs were not to be deprived of large candy bowls filled to the brim with their fav candies at all times.

HMMM wonder why they never ate a wholesome meal. . .

That foodstamps comment was truly pathetic.

reluctantgma's picture

Thanks Auteur. I really enjoy and gain a lot of enlightenment from reading your blog too.

"7. no grill marks on hotdogs or hamburgs served PLAIN only"

Ho boy, slightly different demand, but very similar in nature. The ones I get are all tied to Baby Huey's "sensitive stomach," tho gobs of relish, catsup and honey mustard on his hot dogs and hamburgs w/a heaping portion of bread & butter pickles and half a plate piled full of potato chips are apparently soothing to it. Cinnamon upsets his stomach, so I shouldn't use it in my cooking. However, the cinnamon on the Texas size slices of french toast that his aunt serves at her store is somehow different.

Foodstamps comment: I can't begin to describe how pathetic and annoying. Why now, when I've successfully managed to feed us healthy meals for the better part of the past year and a half with little to no help from him? Baby Huey has dropped a pound or so a week when he's here all the time, tho all that progress is trashed as soon as he spends an extended stay with BM and her family; or he and Spineless have left here in a huff and Dad. Dad. Dad. takes over the feeding. I see it as yet another play for control and power. My house, my rules sniveling ass wipes. Bring any junk food in here and it goes in the trash.

Auteur's picture

And the fact that he calls himself a "single dad." What are you? Chopped liver? Obviously he views you as a "Entitlement Session Facilatator."

Just the way the Behemoth referred to herself as a "single" mom the whole time she was internet dating and having the flav of the week watch the 18 month old.

On the other hand, she wouldn't "allow" HER children to be near me, an experienced parent as I was (quote) not fit to even glance upon her "babies." (unquote)

And I too, can. In fact I'll be in canning "hell" for the next couple of weeks due to my 30' x 30' garden! Already put up some dill pickles and dill beans; trying to keep up! Lol

reluctantgma's picture

And the fact that he calls himself a "single dad." What are you? Chopped liver? Obviously he views you as a "Entitlement Session Facilatator."

I don't deny it and even agree that I am viewed this way as long as I'm willing to let them. I'm not at the point of wanting to dump Spineless just yet, but I will NOT serve the "Facilitator" role a day longer. Of course, not serving as "Facilitator" is likely to foil their bluff and they will walk rather than take responsibility for themselves and their lousy behaviors.

Got a good dilly bean recipe? I've about a big enough batch to take a test run. This is my first year canning. Seems like a lot of work for a relatively small return (i.e. watching that 8+lbs of cukes and veggies yield maybe 2-3 quarts of relish after hours of slaving), but it tastes better than anything I could buy at the store and I'm proud to be able to do it myself. The matriarchs in my family used to all get together for canning sessions when I was a little girl. It makes them feel nearer to me again, even though they all passed away long ago...