BabyWOB photo shoot :-)
I have a dear friend who has a "real" gig, but who is a photographer on the side. She went and hung out with my daughter, son-in-law and the baby a couple of Sundays ago...
Some of my favorites...
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Sigh.....that just melted my
Sigh.....that just melted my heart. Beautiful.
I just noticed that my
I just noticed that my favorite one wasn't there - I added it. Go back and look now
You're killing me. Sometimes
You're killing me. Sometimes I regret not having an "ours" baby with SO and these pics don't help!
I don't mean to kill you I
I don't mean to kill you
I kinda get where you're coming from about the "ours" baby - even though I was 43 when I met DH and had two 14 year olds and an 18 year old, I did feel a little twinge about not having kids with him....but then I remembered that I had three and he had three and I was old - lol!
SO was 32 and I was 29 when
SO was 32 and I was 29 when we started dating. But he was adamant that there were "no more babies." I honestly think BM scarred him for life. I'm 36 now and super glad we didn't but sheesh, pics like these tug at my ovaries.
(No subject)
here are some more
here are some more
I love these kinds of photos.
I love these kinds of photos. So natural.
sooooo adorable!!!! I love
sooooo adorable!!!! I love newborn pictures
Awe...what a doll! Adorable
Awe...what a doll! Adorable family!
I am
I am
cute baby - I see her Gran's
cute baby - I see her Gran's evilness in her eyes...
So adorable!
So adorable!
Aw adorable! Love the sock
Aw adorable! Love the sock monkey pic! Your daughter is beautiful and looks like she has a beautiful family!
sock monkey is my favorite!
sock monkey is my favorite! She and I are g-chatting right now picking out the announcements and I am pushing hard for sock monkey!!
Congrats! He's so cute with
Congrats! He's so cute with all that hair!
She, she's a she
She, she's a she
Sorry! She's super cute!
Sorry! She's super cute!
Aw, so precious.
Aw, so precious.
added one more - I promise,
added one more - I promise, no more
That is a great picture!
That is a great picture!
Yay, a thread I can respond
Yay, a thread I can respond to! Awwwwweeee!!!!
Be still my heart... I can't
Be still my heart... I can't wait to be a grandma. Well I CAN wait, but I am REALLY looking forward to it.
What beautiful pictures!
What beautiful pictures!
yay, babies!!
yay, babies!!
I will MeeMaw brag you right
I will MeeMaw brag you right into another BabyFace!
And, like any good MeeMaw, I will take credit and then hand said BabyFace v2 right back to you when the diapers get too shitty
She - she is a she
She - she is a she
Yep - she's a beauty inside
Yep - she's a beauty inside and out
She was a breeze to raise, with only about a year or two of teenage brattiness shitty behavior.
Yup - I had a pretty big bark
Yup - I had a pretty big bark and I ALWAYS followed through with consequences.
They all figured out that the way to not get punished was to pull their weight and do what they were told