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I have never formally met ss11's bm!

Riamama23's picture

Not that I want baby mama drama BUT isn't it odd bm and I have never spoke I saw her briefly for a few seconds last year at pick up last summer (it was for a month) I for sure thought she would try to talk to me.fh called his son (ss got a cell for Xmas so bm couldn't be in "control of their phone calls)letting him know the kids and I had just moved in and that we were going to pick him up Friday so surely he had told his mom.He is 11 so I guess there is no reason why she needs to walk him to the door or ask fh how the weekend went, I do know (only by reading ss's text) that his mom doesn't want him staying up past midnight ,wants him to come back by 6 pm ,brush his teeth ,bathe,all things fh should be doing but doesn't. I would do almost anything to have a chat with bm.I once over heard ss and bm's phone call and her saying he needs to be your father not your friend! I almost started to laugh! They live 3 hours away and all I know of fh and baby mama is that they were together a month when she got pregnant shortly after he wa born she moved back home she didn't want to be so far from her family. O yeah and she was still married and fh had no clue till she was around 6 mo. along.She doesn't speak to fh either,all drop offs and pick ups are done thru ss. Has been like that for 3 years now.Just me or is that weird?


New second wife-step-mom's picture

I think that is great! No drama! She obviously trust Dh and son to take care of everything!

Filly's picture

You are lucky. I can only wish the BM would just drop the SD's off and be off on her merry way. Instead she has to stick around and enquire about How we are both doing and what my DH is doing. A lot of it is making sure we are not having anymore fun in our lives then she is. Damn to hell if she ever finds out if we are having an ounce of fun she will deploy her control back into the court system demanding bank staments to be pulled and looked at and income taxes, turn us in into the IRS, anything that will hit us financially.

Enjoy your peace.

mama_althea's picture

My daughter's SM has never really met or spoken to me, although we do live across the country from each other, so dropoffs/pickups are not an issue. There is also that minor little detail that she is the person with whom my ex cheated on me, but that doesn't pertain to you, obviously.

As far as SD's BM? I wish I had never met her.

overworkedmom's picture

I have only had the pleasure of seeing BM a couple of times and she never said a word to me only a dirty looks. OH WELL! Because I am the only mother "her son" has. Did I mention she is in jail AGAIN and knocked up AGAIN!

LilyBelle's picture

That's great! She's healthy, happy with her life, not feeling a need to impose herself on you all... and communicates directly with the people who need communication!

You are blessed.

Anywho78's picture

I too briefly saw BM Nasty last summer...we didn't speak & I didn't let her horrendous glares get to me...I have never spoken to her on the phone. Even without the direct drama, I have had my world turned upside down due to crap that she pulls with my SO & the SKids (who live with SO & I).

Oh how I wish I could tell her what I really think...

Riamama23's picture

Thanks! I feel better lol I thought I was alone in this situation but it is more common than I knew!