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U haul truck and a couple strong cousins will

Riamama23's picture

Be here in the morning!!! My husband who is passed parents, I still call them my in laws, have been so supportive today! My whole family is! My friends are excited my bd10 is the only one of my bios that know tomorrow is the big day. Fh The Ass has no idea I wish I could post the texts I got from his sister today on here!!!! Blended families are hard to create and I tried my damnedest !!! I got accused of ignoring ss12 today he was sick and my fam had a party to go to I called the ass to find out what he wanted me to do with son he said leave him home alone his sister then text and said it was a good thing it wasn't an emergency cause I text her 20 minutes after her first text (about when he last had pepto) she then went into how it's shitty that Jacob feels like a black sheep in his own home being anonymous has nothing to do with me anymore!!! Oh if I am guilty of anything it's catering to ass jr! I did tell her I was sorry if they felt that way but honestly I no longer need to justify! I am done and Ron has no idea when he comes home from work I will be gone the fucker had the nerve to try and hug me when he got home from his mother s house I was cordial. I feel the burden lifted already!!! Saddest part is I'm not sad at all! Conclusion for others be disengaged or what have you and maybe you will get lucky enough and your spouse and sk will leave you too!!! Nothing will ever change if the two adults are not a team!!!!! My passed hubby and I took a couples class at church our first year of marriage no kids yet and it's so true it takes teamwork to make the dream work!!!!!!! Build a strong bond with your other half lots of communication and love kids do not rule!!! Do not be blinded by bios either Im not and we my critters and I have such a great bond!!! They are my life and no piece of ass will ever tell them they can't eat a certain treat cause its Jacobs or who Evers ! I am so blessed to have a great family some of you are so miserable I wish I could win the lotto and set you all up!!!!!!!Shania my daughter was so happy I cried she should have never felt uncomfortable in yes her home I paid 1/2 of everything!!! And most of the groceries!!!!! I can't wait for the morning!!! Good luck and remember you deserve the best!!!!!!


Riamama23's picture

Thank you!!!! As for him,lol nah, he will probably live in bliss have you ever noticed idiots always get the better end of EVERYTHING!!!