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Frustration has sit in.

rlock12's picture

I had to put my foot down today with my husband. The ex and him have been taking advantage of me in the childcare department. They basically do nothing. I'm doing it all. I get him up, fix breakfast, make sure he gets to and from school take care of him in evenings and make sure his showers.

The mom is barely involved and Dad goes into room and watches t.v. all evening while I do everything last night the Mom wouldn't take the ss because she has to work early in the morning basically pawning him off on me to take care of.

Ss feels abounded I feel taken advantage of. I told him he and the ex wife needs to start taking care of their son of depending on me to do everything


furkidsforme's picture

Good for you! This is the problem.... not to insult you or your husband, but I feel like most divorced men remarry simply to have a replacement Mommy, because they never intended to do the heavy lifting in raising a child.

DaizyDuke's picture

Wow, how kind of you to offer free babysitting and child rearing for these people!

I'm exhausted today after starting at 7:30 yesterday morning and between work, BS5 activities etc. literally not stepping foot back inside my house until 9:30 last night. Can I use your free services???

DaizyDuke's picture

Unfortunately, she's set precedence here and it's going to get ugly before it gets better. The minute she steps back, she's going to become the wicked SM who hates skid.. blah blah... we all know the drill. Sad

rlock12's picture

Oh to make it better I texted the ex too and told her she need to step up and take more time with him instead of having her nose in boyfriends ass. :/ lol not sure how this going to go... I also told her they both needed to step up and be parents... Yeah this will go well today

rlock12's picture

I think after two years of watching them do this to this kid. I can't do it anymore. The only reason I keep doing anything is because of ss. If I didn't he would be left to fend for himself.

Cover1W's picture

HA! Talk about doing it DP didn't want me to show him how to use the BBQ charcoal chimney last night because "his mind was done for the day." WTF? We don't even have the SDs? I said, "OOOOooookaayyyy, I'll just do that too then tonight."
Turns out he worked 4 HOURS uninterrupted today. Asked me if I ever do that. I laaaaauughhh, I do that EVERY DAY for 8 HOURS!

Then I also commute, go to the grocery store on way home, get home and then change the ice in the cooler (our fridge stopped working the other day and we don't have time to shop until Saturday), put groceries away, start the grill, put a load of laundry in, cleaned up dishes in sink so I could make dinner, shower, brush cats teeth, make dinner. Then it's 8:00 and I can finally sit down.

He worked from home, created a huge mess in the office (and we wonder where SDs learn it?!), threw pillow case covers everywhere while hanging the only guest sheets from the window for a curtain to block the sun. Went out to lunch. Went home and went to the pool about 5:30 to 6:30. Soooooo tiring.

So DP is on watch. I told him HE is making dinner tonight (and tomorrow) and HE needs to arrange a truck rental to get fridge. HE also needs to clean his stuff out of SDs bathroom and clean his mess up. I think he's going to get some disengagement here too.