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About SD5(soon to be SD6): Part 1

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

I seriously don't know where to start. This is gonna sound like a raving mad lunatic probably b/c once I get going on her, I'm not gonna start. Then I'll have to come back and edit with a fresh mind. lol This kid really gets to me.

I was actually super excited to meet DH's little girl. I had all these visions of us becoming close, having a relationship, her having a relationship with my bio's, and us all doing things together. Now all I do is try to come up with schemes to spend as litte time as possible with her. We have her EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND and its horrid. I've lost my relaxing time off. All I listen to is a bunch of running around, stomping, yelling, screaming, crying, and bickering. I hate it. My kids are just not like that, so I don't get it.

The first time I met her, DH and her came over and she seemed polite at first. Then she started digging around in the toys and found one of those dogs you pull around on a string and it yips. Ya, well, she thought it would be a good idea to play David and Goliath with it and took out everything at the height of right above her head and surrounding areas. I was calm and said "that's why we don't do those things in the house" and let it go. Hey, I just met the kid. DH was super embarassed and red in the face. Then later, as I was coming back into the room after a bathroom break, I came back just in time to see her launch a cup of red cool-aid across the room. Where did it land? Oh, in my brand new red leather purse. Not only was the purse ruined, but anything inside that wasn't a hard plastic or laminated card. I was so concerned about my purse and contents I didn't even question the incident. I should've learned from that day and ran...but I didn't. Sad

I wanna do this right so I'll come back to this sometime soon. There's so many more atrocities I'd like to get down, but all in good time my pretties.


furkidsforme's picture

The poor kid shouldn't be driving you crazy, her lazy ass Dad who doesn't parent her should!!!!

Bojangles's picture

Hmm well I'm gathering there's a lot more. I can totally see DS5 enacting the carnage with the dog on the string, sometimes these crazy impulses just come to kids, but throwing a full cup, and shortly after getting in trouble for the dog thing, doesn't bode well.

ltman's picture

Sounds like the time I walked in to find Jr and little bitch facing off ready to throw my Baccarat crystal elephants at each other. There was a come to Jesus meeting right then and another one when dh got home.

Your dh needs to get off his ass and parent his kid.