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Block SD from my life? Get Dad all to her self?

Rosie2's picture

If I block SD from life, less drama will feel good. But won't she get what she wants? Dad all to herself?


GoodBye's picture

How old is she? My SD does the constant "competition" thing when she's here too, but she's only 6 and here every other hey, I just let her do her silly thing and show her it doesn't bother me cause I get him the rest of the time. So really, it only seems like it's a competition to her.

GoodBye's picture

I hear ya. SD has started doing the same to my BD 10 months...crawl up on daddy's lap and say directly to BD "this is my daddy"...I just say "that's ok, you can have him today cause BD gets him all the time". Seems to lower her buzz a bit lol

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture


GoodBye's picture

Yes, she went through one weekend that was particularly bad for "my daddy"...and DH always calmly corrects her and says "you are both my daughters". I know it's a need for attention thing, and I think it's pretty normal for kids of a certain age to go through it. Sometimes it pushes my buttons, but I just remember she's only here for 2 days so if she wants to think she's "winning", whatever.

GoodBye's picture

Oh hmm...I really don't know enough of the story then. I'd say if it makes you feel better, block her out. She is old enough she doesn't need you pretending to be nice to her anymore. As long as your SO is attentive and respectful to you, let her think she has him all to herself...maybe it's all she has.

Tk29's picture

Oh I wish it was that easy, I have tried really hard for a little while disengaging and it's played right into SD hands.

Franki's picture

Been there done that. After about 15 years I had to call peace. I stopped doing things to skids, planning holidays and functions. They got DH all alone but DH wouldn't go without me. He called me his backup. It made me feel good but then again they hated me more and blamed me if he didn't go. So we detached and only do for their children and only the ones we are allowed to have anything to do with. Only one of my skids includes both of us unconditionally. So when people ask us how many kids we have, we say four. There are six, three DH and three mine. We only include the ones who have a relationship with us. I thought by detaching, skids would have what they wanted..DH all by himself. It worked a short time because when they began asking for things and bashing me to him, he saw the light. I get satisfaction knowing their plan was ruined not by me but themselves.

Keepsmiling's picture

I have disengaged from ysd. If she text me I answer. Yes, her baby boy is adorable; but I don't even get pulled in to that. Don't trust her and never will. If she wants to visit fine; but I don't do the inviting. When they leave, its like an acquaintance leaving. I am not rude, I am not mean; I don't cry anymore or worry anymore. It is such a relief to find peace. Disengagement worked for me.

Keepsmiling's picture

I have disengaged from ysd. If she text me I answer. Yes, her baby boy is adorable; but I don't even get pulled in to that. Don't trust her and never will. If she wants to visit fine; but I don't do the inviting. When they leave, its like an acquaintance leaving. I am not rude, I am not mean; I don't cry anymore or worry anymore. It is such a relief to find peace. Disengagement worked for me.

Rosie2's picture

Thanks for all the comments. Feels good to hear what has worked for other people. Step grandson moved out of our house after I found marijuana and paraphernalia in his room. DH had no problem telling him to move out with that evidence. SD36 (not 34) accused me to DH being addicted to Synthroid and B/P medicine! Haha! As if you can be addicted to necessary medication. She then asked for S grandson to move back in and DH said NO! I'm so impressed!