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another one for sd

rozylady2's picture

there is a calender list on the fridge for our dog. she is 15 years old so she has arthritis and needs meds. now i got to much going on with two disabled boys, doc appts and keeping house cleaned to keep up this dogs meds schedule too but somehow it falls on been making it a point to throw it at h and i(more so me) when a pill is missed.she supposed to be MIL dog but we take care of her?go figure anyway so everyone knows she had her pill we put a check mark. she gets it twice a been irritated with h and i if we missed a pill or if we did and forget to check off making her think we didn't give it to her and she gets mad at us anyway.
tonight i saw that yesterday and today she started writing names instead of checks. yesterday h and today done with the crap so i wrote in big letters what are you trying to prove? why you putting names now? whats the point? i don't care if i tick someone off. im done with her lording it over everyone in the house and making it like she is so perfect as if she never forgets.she is even more vindictive whens its me who forgets and not her father. she just does a gentle scolding. plus its abit of learning lesson. she wrote all over something on the fridge because she didn't like what was on the paper. she notorious about messing with stuff, opening things, writing on things and even taking them.H lets her do it even when its not hers.
i try my best to care for this dog. i take her outside and make sure she is comfortable. i stayed with her when she was sick and i try to remember her pill.she gets around great now. i even took a ticket when she got out and the dog catcher happen to come by. it was that or let her take a elderly dog away but im never good sure i get it from H when he sees the writing and i`ll say the same as he did to me. chill out. its no big deal.


purpledaisies's picture

I would tell SD and dh that IF she wants to act like that then I will not do anything more for the dog and she can take care it from now on! I would tell them both that I have WAY to much to do then worry about a dog that is not mine! And if she thinks the thing is being treated poorly then she can have the responsibility and not say another word to me to write it down! I would also tell them both that IF the dog is brought up again I will get rid of it e.i. give it back to MIL and if she didn't want it on craigslist it goes!! In otehr words either take care of the dog and shut up or shut up unless she wants to do all by her little self!

rozylady2's picture

i have but they still throw it at me at anytime whenever they feel like it. her brother does just to get a power trip and he never gives the dogs her meds just a treat then acts like he lord and master of the dog (rolls eyes)

purpledaisies's picture

Do not respond to sd. If dh is doing it too I'd be sitting him down and talking to him and making it clear that if he is going to continue to act like that then I will get rid of the dog if I hear one more word form him or her or his son! End of story. Sometimes it takes something big to happen before they get it.