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Single Dad Bachelor

SadFairy's picture

Has anyone been keeping up with the televised trainwreck? I can't bring myself to watch the show, but I was just curious if the issues we predicted had surfaced yet? Has BM been inappropriate and pissed any of the potential SMs off yet? Is he a nauseating Disney Dad?


Silent River's picture

Who ever gets him is headed for a lifetime of misery. He looks like the photo finish of a Disney daddy. He doesn't really need a wife since he already has a mini wife.
What I found interesting was his pick for the first impression rose. She seemed very classy, like a world traveler, independent, no kids... He seemed intrigued because she was set apart from the rest. She didn't seem at all impressed when he gave her the rose!!! Somehow I do not see her being tied down with someone else's kid! She is way out of his legue.

So far, this dude really bugs me.

Now I have to catch up because I am a couple of episodes behind. Smile

stepnicole2010's picture

I've been watching on and off. He bugs me and his homophobic comments were offensive. Not a fan.

SadFairy's picture

I only saw part of the first episode before I couldn't take it anymore, but it was easy to see "my child comes first" was going to be his mantra. I know his body is supposed to be nice, but there's just something about him that is a huge turnoff as soon as he opens his mouth. The pediatric nurse seemed the exact type of female someone like him would be looking for. I haven't seen how her personality has developed since the first episode, but if I gambled, I would place my money on her "winning" out over the other girls.

"The next day he tells her he has to be "fair" to the other girls in the house, #1 and #2, he felt he TOTALLY DISRESPECTED HIS DAUGHTER by doing it with ol' girl RIGHT THERE ON NATIONAL TV, it happened, now they just have to MOVE ON!!"

Just when I thought it wasn't possible to dislike him any more, I read that garbage. What about the fact that he totally disrespected this woman on TV, sleeping with her and telling her it was a huge mistake the next day. These women are idiotic.