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End of Summer Part II

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Well we continue to have interesting things.   SD turned down dinner on Thursday night due to a stomach ache that had her dad rushing down to the store to get Ginger Ale.   Two hours after dinner she comes up and makes microwave popcorn.   OK.  Thought your stomach was upset but I'm sure salty buttery popcorn is just the ticket.  This is the same shit her brother used to pull before he decided he didn't want to join us for dinner.   On Friday , she joined us for dinner whcih was take out.  Thursday's dinner was homemade.   Anyhow, on Friday, SS was told that there was chinese food , SD daughter came up, we all sat down and had dinner.  No SS , didn't really expect him.  Anyhow we all finish, clean up and put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher.  20 minutes after clean up SS comes up , reheats the now refrigerated chinese food and eats it downstairs in his room then brings the plate up and places it in the sink for somoenoe else to put in the dishwasher.  Everytime I mention please put your dish in the dishwasher I get attitude.  Yes he should know better, yes he should be able to put his dish in the dishwasher and yes he should be able to join us for dinner.  I also realizee the problem also lies in his father with no back up and no enforcement of the rules.  When I point out dishes in the sink I get told "I picked up your son's"  Well yes my son had a dish in the sink two days ago and the dishwasher was running.  When I called my son down he came down and hand washed his dish and put it on the drying rack.  Your son only puts dishes in the dishwasher when we are watching, never independently.