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First Xmas with daughter and My husbands Ex wife’s family

saminseptember's picture

Hi everyone! 

Looking for some advice - I have a 9 month old daughter with my partner.

we have been invited to spend Xmas morning with his ex wife, her partner and his two kids plus my two step kids.

thing is I don’t like my step kids and I don’t want my daughter growing up thinking this is normal! But my partner really wants to see his kids on Xmas day...

i don’t want to be a bitch and take that away from him but how do I keep my daughter seperate? I have different values to his kids (9 year old boy is convinced he is gay and 12 year old girl is interested in Tran sexual relationships!!) 

I don’t have an issue with those things but kids should be kids not thinking of such sexual topics at their age... surely???!!!




tog redux's picture

What?! You can't keep your child away from her half-siblings.  That will surely cause the demise of your relationship, and then your daughter will go to her father's house and see those half-siblings anyway. If you didn't like his kids, you shouldn't have married him and had another child with him.

Unfortunately, kids today are exposed to a lot of stuff and think they know way more than they do,  with so much time spent on the Internet. Figure out how to make peace with the kids (though I don't blame you for not wanting to go the ex's house on Xmas morning).

saminseptember's picture

I understand what your saying I just feel really protective - the stuff they come out with seems really in appropriate for children their age. And I never used to dislike them, unfortunately they have just become very selfish and rude kids and they run circles around their mum.... it’s hard to like foul behaviour

tog redux's picture

The way it was worded, I thought you NEVER wanted your daughter to see her siblings. Now I get it.

Don't go to BM's house, that's crazy. As the others said, time for new traditions with you and DH and all the kids.

ndc's picture

Well, the good news is that by the time your daughter is old enough to understand, the skids will be much older and presumably will have a better handle on their own sexuality.  I agree with others that you are not going to be able to prevent your daughter from spending time with her half siblings, especially if your partner wants the three of them to have a relationship.  That doesn't mean you need to spend Christmas with his ex-wife, though.  There is no reason that your partner can't spend part of Christmas with you and your daughter, and part of Christmas with his other children, if he insists on seeing them on Christmas Day.  Put your foot down now or you will be expected to spend holidays with the ex every year.  If you don't want to, tell your partner that you are not willing to accompany him to play happy family with his ex and that you expect him to spend most of the holiday with you and your daughter.  What does his CO say about parenting time over the holidays?

My SO's ex wanted him to spend Christmas with her and the kids at her parents' house with all of her siblings and their kids.  She thought the kids should experience the holiday with both parents.  My SO was fine with that, but I most certainly was not.   If she wanted the kids to experience holidays with both parents, she should not have left him.  This was a hill to die on for me.  So last year we took the kids on vacation the week before Christmas and celebrated the holiday with them then, and they were with their mother for Christmas.  SO briefly facetimed with them on Christmas day, but that was it.  This year it's SO's turn, so we're taking them on vacation the week of Christmas and their mom can celebrate either before or after that.  I want to start our own traditions, not spend my holidays doing what BM's family has always done.  BM here is normal, she's a good mother, she has no interest in getting back with my SO and she has included me in holiday invitations and encourages her kids' relationship with me, but I still do not want to spend Christmas with her.

saminseptember's picture

I just don’t want christmas to become a facade - my partner hates his ex partner and it feels like walking on egg shells every time we get together - I just don’t want my daughter exposed to that BS...

Winterglow's picture

So why the heck is he doing it?

He should stop doing it and create nex traditions - his ex gets Xmas Day one year and he gets Xmas Eve and the next year they switch. He shouldn't have to deal with an awkward situation on Xmas Day - heck, it's supposed to be fun! I wonder how BM's SO feels about having your DH in his home for the happy day...

Survivingstephell's picture

Your partner needs to split his time between his families, you don't have to.  Do not set this precedent.  Do not entertain this nightmare in the making.  

Children of divorce can learn to adapt to the split if they are encouraged and see adults acting accordingly.  When Dad can't make up his mind who his heart belongs to, they get mixed messages and it sounds like these kids need stability and rocks to lean on. Not a wishy washy Dad.  

If it was so important to be there for the big moments, he should have never gotten divorced.  

Harry's picture

With EX his wife.  You should split your time,  Get SK in afternoon.  You Open gifts  with Bio in morning.   You can not start doing thing like this, all every thing will include ex BM