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BM moved 1 block over...

sammmx's picture

And it's been just as bad as I figured. She and the Skids have "randomly" showed up at our house a minimum of twice a week since they moved at the beginning of September. And conveniently enough it's always been when I'm at work. It's like they walk passed our house, see my car is gone, and decide to stop in and visit. They have NEVER stopped by when I've been home. Never. Probably because BM knows it's inappropriate and I would not be happy with it!

OH has made no mention of it. He actually never even told me the times they stopped by, I've just noticed things in the kids room moved and asked. He thinks it's no big deal and claims it bothers him as well (he smokes in the house when the Skids aren't here and hates it when they come in after he's been smoking). But he has not said anything to her about it and likely will not.

The even more annoying part, is the units they moved in to are right along my walking path I take with my dog, and I can see in their house and worry they'll see me and think I'm stalking them or something. So needless to say I have started walking on an alternate route. I would hate to run into BM on one of my walks, that would seriously ruin it for me. When the SKids aren't around I like to pretend they don't exist, and that includes pretending BM does not exist! Every time I have ever seen her in public without OH she will either ignore me or give me dirty looks, even IF I wave/smile/say hi.

I told OH I wanted to move. LOL. He rolled his eyes.


Starla's picture

That just sucks, keep your chin up on your walks bc BM doesn't deserve to take all of your enjoyment in life away from you.

Jsmom's picture

I have the same issues here....You need to make sure that they don't have keys or access through garage door codes. We made a policy that they had to call first....Stand your ground and put up boundaries.

I have done this for 5 years now. Three more years, DH knows I am moving. SS is off to college and I refuse to be this close to BM anymore.

DaizyDuke's picture

Um yeah, I wasn't sure if I was reading that right or not... but that would be a big fat freaking hairy deal to me!

sammmx's picture

Yep, you read correctly lol. According to OH she stands in the doorway while the SS's run through the house. But I don't know. We had this issue at the old house with him letting BM come in and hang out with SS4 (then 2, when she had lost custody) while he was outside smoking not even monitoring them.

OH is pretty stupid. I am 90% sure he figures that now she has custody back I wouldn't care if she comes in to hang out with the SS's. Uh, no, I definitely still care. I don't want any random bitches in my house... and as far as I'm concerned, that's all BM is!