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It's over, I'm leaving.

sammmx's picture

So we broke up on NYE. He got drunk and was an asshole, kicked me out of a cab in the middle of nowhere so I had to walk to a friend's house. Pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back.

He's upset. But I told him I couldn't handle him treating me poorly ontop of all the shit I have to deal with in regards to BM and the SKids. I told him he'd have to treat me like gold for me to justify hanging around any longer. But he couldn't even treat me like silver.

I'm not going to get involved with a man who has kids again. It's officially a deal breaker for me. Nothing could compel me to enter this hell again. I need to be with someone who loves me most of all and wants me to be their number one until we have out own children.

I am a tad upset and scared to be moving out of our house and on to my own but it must be done. I move Feb 1st from this nice 4 bedroom house to a 1 bedroom basement apartment. I am nervous. But it is cheap and I can save money.

I have already started seeing other people to help get my mind off the situation. Plus I think things were over before they officially ended, I realized (especially in seeing new people) that I was not emotionally invested in the relationship for the past while.

Here's hoping the future is bright from here on in. Thank you all for your support over the past year or so.


Unfreakingreal's picture

What a dick. You make that 1 bedroom, basement apartment, your safe haven and never look back. You deserve better. Best of luck and congrats on starting off the year with YOU as the most important person in your life.
2014 will be magical.

Jsmom's picture

Good luck....glad you are seeing the light after a year and not ten....Keep us posted.

overworkedmom's picture

Take some time to focus on what will make you happy. Don't rush into a relationship again!! I wish you the absolute best. No woman deserve the crap you were dealing with.

zerostepdrama's picture

Good luck and I can not believe he would kick you out of the cab. That is awful!

hereiam's picture

I am so glad you have made this decision. This situation never sounded like it was a good fit for you.