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Does your DH have contact with BM's family?

sammmx's picture

So the other day BF was talking to BM2's (the tolerable, non-crazy one) StepFather as he wanted BF to do some work for him (not going into details). I guess throughout the conversation the SF invited BF to his wife's (BM2's mother) birthday party next weekend. They booked a restaurant. BF told the SF he would "have to bring the wife" and apparently SF said it was fine, of course. So now BF wants to go. BM2 would be there and all their family and friends. I said if BF planned on going I would attend as well but I feel like it'd be extremely awkward. I don't know ...


BSgoinon's picture

No way... that's a little to close for comfort to me. Although, DH and I both get along with BM's mom (she is very nice). I think hanging out with her might just be a little too awkward.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Absolutely not. I wouldn't go and I would suggest to BF to gracefully decline.

DaizyDuke's picture

I guess the biggest question is... how will BM feel about this?? I know it's not her party, but it IS her family. If the roles were reversed how would you and/or your DH feel if a third party invited BM to a family gathering and she came?

Aislinn81's picture

Agree with Daizy. DH and BM's mother maintain a cordial relationship, they aren't buddy buddy by any stretch of the imagination but if she were to invite DH (with or without me) to a party that BM would be in attendance, DH would politely decline. BM would freak the hell out and honestly DH and I avoid interaction with her on a personal level when it can be helped anyway.