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Things of BM's.

sammmx's picture

BF and I recently moved into our new house and throughout the move I found ALOT of random things of BM's that kind of bothered me...

- an entire album of pictures of her, him and her son (SS9)
- BM's medical bracelet from when she was in the hospital giving birth to SS3
- old love ltters from BM
- a random picture of her posing in a bikini framed *BARFFFFF*
- clothes and shoes belonging to her
- a video titled "BM's amazing gift <3" [in HER writing.. judging by the DATE I can only assume it's SS3's birth on film.. BARF BARF BARF !!!!]

I can KIND OF understand why he kept these things but still... I was still irritated. Part of me wanted to throw them out, but instead I told BF he needed to 'deal with' that box. Urgh.


needinginwardpeace's picture

My husband got all her photos and any trash stuff of hers and left them in a cardboard box on her front doorstep years ago. The last thing I saw when cleaning out her old craft bin of stuff she kept from when the skids were toddlers, was a picture of her and my husband's old friend in a very compromising photograph, which was thrown out. Make him get rid of it all. Strange that he doesn't want to himself. Mine almost threw up when he saw the pics among old christmas ornaments, also included in said box.

sammmx's picture

Sorry I meant the photos and the hospital band and stuff. The clothes were fucking ridiculous, although he claims he didnt even know they were there (and isn't 100% sure they're even BMs!?) but I demanded they get thrown out. He had the nerve to ask me if I WANTED them? ... HELL NO.

sammmx's picture

I have no idea. I don't know how long the shit in his basement had been there. I didn't ask. I THINK he asked me if I wanted the clothes because I made a comment they were made by an expensive designer ... I HOPE anyway, because that is the last credit I can give him beyond being completely retarded ...

twopines's picture

So he wondered if you wanted some other woman's things, and a possible random woman at that. You must really love this guy for him to still have both kneecaps intact.

prozac_nation's picture

The hospital band/hospital video and skid pictures are totally understandable.

But the bikini picture and her clothes for fucks sake?! AND love letters?! :jawdrop:

Throw that shit out!

Lalena75's picture

I don't know, I've been divorced 2 years separated 3 from exh and just the other day found a whole storage bin of his things labeled in an old box we'd had for years as "decorations", I found a bunch of our old photos in my closet and in a drawer somewhere I think I have old cards and letters he gave me, but I'm one of those people it all would of moved with me had I moved and I'd of sorted it later having not known what I'd need to give him and what to throw out, since I did stumble on it in cleaning and making a new storage area in the attic I packed up the box and other things he would want and had him come get it, the letters when I find them will go with the pictures I put in a box of things for the kids when they're adults.
Exh's reaction to the box of things "humm you kept all this this whole time?" me: "nope just didn't know I had it, if I had I'd of given it back or burned it a long time ago."
SO was cool about it, he knows I didn't keep it on purpose just didn't know it was there, there is 13 yrs of us in this house I'm sure there might be more I'll run across someday.