And the pile gets deeper....
So this weekend I hear a very disrespectful message on our answering machine from the pothead alcoholic SS21. It was aimed at me, of course. I immediately replayed the message for DH (who agreed that it was disrespectful) and said, "This is exactly that kind of crap I am sick of dealing with. So you deal with it."
Mind you, I haven't even spoken with SS21 or seen him since last August.
DH and I agreed that SS21 should apologize to me for his ill-chosen words. Later that evening, DH refused to carry on the usual phone conversation with SS21 about all SS21's troubles that are everybody else's fault until he apologized to me first. SS21 yelled "FU!" to his dad and hung up the phone (that DH pays for, BTW).
What a stand up kind of guy, huh? Now DH is being splattered with exactly the kind of crap that was hurled at me for years. It stinks.
DH has changed the rules with his adult kids, and they don't like the new rulebook at all. See, DH never set peraonal boundaries with his kids as they were growing up, so they could disrespect him with no consequences. They saw their BM do it all the time. DH just grew a thick skin and took their collective abuse. In the past, SS21 could have yelled FU! all day long, and DH would have carried on as usual, like nothing happened. All would have been forgiven.
Now--FINALLY!!!--after all these years DH seems irritated and embarrassed that his adult kids act like beasts. He is sick of them. Three out of the five of them owe us both some big apologies for their actions and blatant disrespect, and to DH's credit, he's suspended the relationships with these brats until they come through. No dinners. No visits. No money. No...Dad. Christmas should be a cinch this year .
They thought they could wait him out. Then they thought they could guilt him out of it. Then they tried to blame his "brainwashing" on me. Then they went behind his back to their grandfather. Who knows what foolishness is next? So far, DH has stayed the course.
It wasn't too long ago that DH was blaming me for his adult kids' actions and making all sorts of excuses for their inexcusable behavior. I told him flatly that unless he joins our marital team and starts facing up to reality, I'm done. Maybe something clicked?
Whatever has happened, it seems to be a new day. We'll see...
- Sarah101's blog
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Hoping for the best
I can't wait to hear how this works out, as it is similar to our situation with SD16 - what will happen. Will the kids break, will DH break or will there be no relationship? Me break - never!!! I am hoping if we stand strong the kids will figure out everyone is a lot happier if they respect their dad, regardless of their (misguided) personal feelings.
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus
How refreshing
I think your Dh deserves a pat on the back for his efforts. No doubt this is difficult for him to come to grips with, I hope he contunues along this path. Maybe one day the skids will actually become regular people with jobs and all.
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren
Don't count on it
SS21 is now jobless because he got angry and told his boss to go F himself.
SD18 is also jobless again because last week she decided to blow off work and take off on a vacation--she's gone through 8 jobs so far this year.
These losers are the most screwed up, under-educated, angry, morally bankrupt and entitled young people I've ever come across. I can't get over how different they are from their decent, hard-working father.
We keep asking ourselves: when will they start to learn from their mistakes? When will they get tired of being bottom-feeders and get their lives in order? How low can they possibly go?
Hang tough
I'm dealing with this too and my DH is being tough too. It's about time. Three adult SKids that are entitled brats. I don't know if they will ever learn from their mistakes. They refuse to apologize and refuse to approach any issue as an adult. Mine are very's sick.
Oh, I can hang tough all right
...however, it's my DH I worry about. The latest tactic in the Adult Brat Manipulation Handbook that they are trying is "divide and conquer."
Here's the latest. SD18 (the cokehead) explained to her father her logic. "Your children will be with you forever, but you can get rid of your wife any time. We come first."
To which DH replied, "Well, make sure to tell your future husband that it will be OK to put you second on his list after everyone else in his life, and see where that gets you."
Score 1 for DH!
Good one
He is really catching on - yay Sarah!!!
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus
Good one
Go DH!
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren