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SASX's picture

I am sure most adult women know this. Most men likely know it as well. Just as a precaution we adults might want to share this bit of wisdom with the children in our lives.

** If one runs out of dishwasher soap, you do the dishes by hand. Wash, dry, put away. One does not decide to use Dawn in the dishwasher in an effort to get out of doing dishes by hand.**

DD has now learned this lesson. She has been cleaning up copious amounts of bubbles from in, over, and around the dishwasher as well as washing and rewashing a kitchen floor that is slicker than black ice for over an hour now.


Anywho78's picture

OMG that's too funny...your DD has had quite the week or two, hasn't she?

First bunny pee & now bubbles! LOL

Stepmom156's picture

That's how mine is. Straight A's in school but doesn't understand that if you don't say you put the last roll of t.p. out I don't know we're on the last one until I go to get another roll. It never fails! My husband or sd can change the roll of t.p. (be amazed because it took FOREVER to get that to happen, but they can't say "hey, I just put out the last roll or we only have 2 rolls left"....seriously??????? The magical t.p. fairy DOES NOT come into the house and restock the t.p. and since the 2 of them seem to eat the t.p. (just going by how often I have to buy t.p. that is) it seems like every trip to the store involves buying more t.p.

Shaman29's picture

My mother ground the no dish-soap in the dishwasher rule into our heads and I've never had the chance to try it.

However, an ex-boyfriend did this at his apartment. I nearly wet myself laughing when I walked in to him trying to clean all of the suds off of the floor.

Lalena75's picture

I've never owned a dishwasher (unless you count kids) and we have them at work first time we ran out I "solved" the problem and had to scrub bubbles from all over the place! I caught a newer coworker about to do the same a couple weeks ago I paused thinking everyone has to learn, but then warned her because anymore I'm the only one who will clean up a darn mess at work even when it's not my own.

Aislinn81's picture

LOL. I'll admit it, in my early mid 20's I made the same mistake. At least she's learning young!

Jsmom's picture

My husband did this recently. Add some vinegar to the dishwasher and run it...It breaks the bubbles down. Now we make sure that the dishsoap bottle is a different color than the diswhasher soap. Both were dark blue....

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I did this.

I didn't do it on purpose or because I was lazy, I just grabbed the wrong bottle in a rush. Thought I heard something strange, come out to find HUGE AMOUNTS of bubbles, chest high, in the kitchen. Stop the dishwasher, open it up, frantically attempt to PUSH the bubbles back in, and finally realized it was easier to run the sink and scoop it in there instead.

Lol. Lesson learned.