New to this and freaking i crazy
:jawdrop: ok I am 25 with really hi parenting expectations of my self. moved myself and my two kids 5 and 3 in with my BF who I dearly love and his 3 kids 7 months ago only 3 months after dating despite my gut wrenching feeling not to. Now I have attempted leaving 3 times because he has no parenting skills his kids are seemingly mentally slow always causeing crap with mine and his ex wife is a psychotic bitch. I honestly have gotten to the point where I absoluetly cannot stand his kids even the sounds of their voices make my skin crawl. and i hate admitting that its his lack of attention and parenting. He is the greatest partner and the laziest parent ever. What do I do??? Also feeling like my kids are changing because of his. NOt to brag but my kids are so freakin sweet and well behaved until they get around his. He never confronts conflict he never tries to figure out situations and explain anything. I have always leveled with and explained the basics of life and behavior to my babies. his are completely oblivious and I don't know if I have the strength to teach or coach him as I've been advised to. HELP!!!
- satori's blog
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I completely feel where
I completely feel where you're comeing from. just not sure i can let this one go...
Some divorced parents just
Some divorced parents just want someone else to do the job. They were not parents before you came into the picture. Bet that is part of the reason they were divorced when you meet them.
this is a terribly small
this is a terribly small town, so i know they were divorced because he caught her home with another man. sometimes i feel like he's more worried about how i am and that i'm ok than dealing with situations. we have a very good relationship but the kids are a huge issue. I LOVE HIM.... so confused
thank you for a little light.
thank you for a little light. this guy would honestly do anything for me and our situation i just feel like i shouldn't have to ask him to change, he should see it himself. i don't know but your absolutely right. then again i don't think he likes my kids much and he knows i don't like his or their behavior rather and how can that change. my thought is we should've eased into this and got to know each other's styles befor merging. do you honestly think taking a step back and separating house holds to start over would possibly work?????
he had been separated 2 years
he had been separated 2 years and divorced 1 year. he actually had his oldest the 8 yr old from a previous relationship where the babies mom actually abandoned them at 5 weeks old so he's had him full time. the other two a different woman ( literally a psyco, twisted, gamer) he is a bit of a mama's boy tho she still continues to delv in his life making sure his duties are all done. lol are you observing from a separate house hold or living with him