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BM talked her now husband of 4 years into getting a job so she can be closer to DH

SayWhat's picture

We moved about a year and a half ago to another state just to get away from her and now we just found out she talked her husband of 4 years to get a job in the state we moved to. She has started her b.s. again enough that I have had to create new accounts on everything to get her to stop hacking me and stalking me. This is getting out of control and I am wondering if she moves out here will the stalking laws be better for me. All I ever wanted was to be left alone and feel safe. THIS IS GOING TO BE A CLUSTER F!


unika32's picture

i dont know your situation and don't judge you but running away is NOT the solution! You will always find enemies and problems wherever you go. There is power in prayer! Seek God! He will make your enemies your footstool. I would not move again due to her...the nextperson that moves AWAY will b her! Do not fear man/woman! I know who I belong to and who covers/protects me. My suggestion is to find refuge in God.