Need a reality check. I think. Maybe not.
DH sends pictures of SS doing things to BM.
Generally, it doesn't really bother me - because he is her son, after all.
But... sometimes it grates on my nerves.... because I feel like anything we ever do, she will have a copy. She will be in on it. She will be aware.
I tried explaining it to dh, that whenever he keeps her in the loop about what we do, that I feel like my privacy is being invaded. He tells me that no, it's for ss... and while logically I can understand that, I feel down to my very core that I hate hate hate that he does it.
Sometimes, I feel like just withdrawing from the fun things we do... and if he asks why, telling him that I don't want memories of the fun things we do with ss to be shared with BM.. and that if he insists on sharing memories that are partly mine, I will just stop making those memories.
In essence, I'd be making it clear to him that things we do are not to be shared with her.
I'm not talking big things like first day of school, christmas, birthday... I mean like stupid mundane things like we went to the park and he tried jumping rope, fell on his butt and laughed. Or that we flew a kite. Or that ss was bundled up in a blanket and looked funny. She doesn't need a picture of those things.
I told him I didn't feel like she deserved to be included on our family time... and he countered that with, so, if ss is on her time, he doesn't deserve pictures of his son? No - that's not it, but I don't know how to explain it.
He's of course free to send the b!tch as many pictures as he wants... but I feel like it's invading my privacy, and that if my privacy is going to keep being invaded, I'm just going to not participate.
Is that childish? I feel like it is... but I also feel like he's too thickheaded to see that his continuous involvement of her in our lives, even if it's literally only sending her pictures of ss, maintains her crazy... I feel like he's rubbing it in her face that he's doing all these things with ss and that every picture is like a HA-HA!, whereas he genuinely seems to think she would like those pictures because she loves her son and even if she's batsh!t now, she'll cherish them when she's over it...when I told him it seemed like he was considering her feelings entirely too much, he told me she was a disgusting POS and the only reason he's keeping her in the loop is that when ss starts realizing how his mother is, he can tell ss that he tried to involve her with him. Blech. The level of delusion is big in this one.
AND WHY the F would I give a flying F about her cherishing OUR good times??!??!!! Blah. His heart is in the right place.
Does that make sense? Am I wrong to decline to do something with dh and ss, letting dh know that I'm not participating because I don't care to have my family memories shared with another woman?
And no, I haven't "really" talked to dh about any of this... I mentioned once that I felt she was probably getting the impression she was still relevant in his life by his involvement of her in our daily life... he shot that down... I brought it up again after she sent a bunch of messages whining about why he never did any of that stuff with her... he didn't care about her.... I told him, see? she's hashing up your past because of all these pictures... he brushed it off I dropped it.
But now, I'm at my limit, and I HAVE to say something.
- secret's blog
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Secret I can understand both
Secret I can understand both sides of this.
I do not have to deal with BM so I do not totally get it but maybe you can suggest to him to not do it as much. Maybe only send pictures when they are out and about not at your home inside. Try to find some middle ground that will make both you happy and you feeling a little bitter about it.
Your DH should consider your feeling in this, you also need to understand if he cuts off sending her stuff she will do the same. He does not want to lose that. When people split it is hard on the kid but it is also hard on them because parents will most generally feel like they are missing our on half of their kids lives, that can be hard.
Try to be understanding and patient, and work towards an agreement that will suit both of you.
I think the only middle
I think the only middle ground I'd be ok with, are milestone event type pictures.
I understand that parents will miss out on half their kid's lives... but if it was such a concern, they'd have stayed with the other parent.
I agree with you somewhat. My
I agree with you somewhat. My parents never shared but technology was not what it is now. I understand milestone only pictures. I am not totally sure how I would feel abut all this. I can understand your feelings.
What is SS asks to send his BM a picture, if that situation would you be ok with it?
not childish at all, she's
not childish at all, she's not part of your family, thus family time is private IMO
Simply tell DH... no BM does not have to send you pictures of fun things she and SS does... you divorced her right, that means you will miss out on things, just as she will miss out on things when SS is with us. That's what Divorced is all about, it's not simply moving away from each other, it's get the eff out of each others lives....
This bullshit about, but it is for the kids, pisses me off, then why did you get divorced? Why not suck it up then and stay married if the world revolves around your kids?
DH has no boundaries when it comes to his son, it will destroy your marriage when SS is a teen, end it now... get it through DH's head, yes you divorced thus you will not be part of your son's life 24/7 and NO BM will not be included in our life, I'm not a sister wife
I brought it up again after
I brought it up again after she sent a bunch of messages whining about why he never did any of that stuff with her...
No...I get sending bday pics ect but not just little cute pics all the time. It sounds like he is trying to make her jealous. IMHO. Sorry.
He's inserting her into your
He's inserting her into your life. He needs to stop. I would not be able to enjoy a second of my life knowing that at any moment he might be snapping a photo to share with BM. He can create photo albums of your fun times to give to SS and keep them at your house. It sounds like he's still enmeshed with BM.
Ok, so I'm not crazy for
Ok, so I'm not crazy for thinking it's a bit much.
How do I stop it?
How do I make him understand without completely tearing him down? He truly BELIEVES that's it's in ss's best interest for his mother to know what he's up to in day to day life.
Does BM send blow by blow
Does BM send blow by blow pics of what SS is doing when he is with her??
ss hasn't really been with BM
ss hasn't really been with BM in the last few months... but even before then, he'd get an occasional pic - mostly milestone stuff, or old flashback pics of the past.
In other words, no, BM doesn't send a play by play.
I agree that it feels
I agree that it feels intrusive for BM to be participating vicariously in everything you do with SS. She and your DH are divorced, which means they live separate lives.
Does BM send your DH pictures of all of the things she does with SS? If not, why does your DH feel the need to do so?
I have had two sort of related experiences, both of which felt off to me:
1) When DH and I were getting married, I send MIL a picture of my SSs trying on their suits. I thought it would be nice to share this picture with the boys' grandmother. Later, BM posted this same picture on FB (she and I are not FB friends, but it was pointed out to me). I felt like MIL had totally violated my privacy and it felt weird to me that BM was sharing a picture related to my wedding on her FB page. I have never sent MIL another picture of SSs, even pictures that I've sent to my own parents of my SSs.
2) Periodically, BM will send DH a picture of his kids doing something fun. This happens very rarely and is more likely to happen after BM knows she's crossed some sort of line in insulting DH. It always feels uncomfortable to me, because the vast majority (e.g. 95%) of BM's texts to DH are completely nasty - either insulting him, demanding something from him, or accusing him of something crazy. It feels like emotional whiplash to then get a friendly text from her with pictures of the kids, almost like she's expecting him to forget how terrible she is to him most of the time. If I were him, I'd much rather not get those pictures from her, because they make it seem like she has some sort of split personality. DH doesn't respond, doesn't encourage her to send them, and doesn't send her any pictures in return.
In my view, when you end your relationship with someone, you stop sending little cutesy, aren't-we-just-the-best-of-friend messages, even if those messages relate to your shared children. Setting proper boundaries helps everyone move on. Also, it's only in the last few years that people have even been able to share all these random pictures of everything. In the past, you couldn't easily take and share pictures with family members or parents who weren't there at the time, so it's not as if sharing all of those pictures are a necessary part of parenthood.
No, she doesn't - she never
No, she doesn't - she never really sent pictures of things they did, because they never really did anything.... she'd send flashback pics.. like dh and ss doing something, that she took the picture of... but not really any recent pics.
I am not sure I would see
I am not sure I would see this as necessarily an invasion of MY privacy if I am not actually IN the pictures. However, I would be a bit uncomfortable at the frequency you seem to be describing for how often and how mundane the pictures seem to be. It certainly gives the impression that when your DH sees his son do something cute that the first person he thinks of is his EX. I am not sure I would be overjoyed knowing that my husband's exwife was so far in the forefront of his consciousness. So, to me, it's not that she is invading my privacy, but that this is an indication that she is taking up space in my husband's head... space that is being given too much priority.
Now, when my husband and I had the girls when they were younger, cell phone cameras and texting were not as much of a thing... so the ease of sharing pictures just wasn't there. Now, we can easily share any bit of photo evidence with any number of friends or even the world in an instant without much thought. Once the girls were older, obviously they had their own phones with that capability and would of course be able to share these pictures on their own.
I think it would not be out of the ordinary to share a picture of a big event in the child's life, but what you are describing is a bit much. BUT.. perhaps as he gets older he can decide what he wants to share with his mom (then I guess you will have a whole new worry about what the kid shows her lol... but at least it won't be your husband)
I meant invasion of privacy
I meant invasion of privacy as in, she knows what's going on in my private day to day life, because dh shares it with her. Not so much the pictures... but the "we went here, here's a pic."
He's mentioned before that it's not so much that he thinks of his ex first... but that when he takes a picture of ss, he thinks "I'm taking a pic of my son! I should share it with the other parent!" and that sending the picture to her, is an act of love towards ss.
I strongly disagree.
I do understand sending pictures, I really do.
And the frequency... it's maybe a few times a week, so it's not TOO over the top... but it's just stupid things.
I hate giving an ultimatum, but I think I might have to tell him that he either does things with me, as a family, and keeps bm out of it... no pictures, no mention of it, nothing (unless it's an actual significant thing, of course).... or he can do it on his own and send her pictures like she's his out of town wife... that if he continues to involve her, I will un-involve myself.
"I'm taking a pic of my son!
"I'm taking a pic of my son! I should share it with the other parent!" and that sending the picture to her, is an act of love towards ss.
What a load of crap!
My sentiments exactly. I'm
My sentiments exactly.
I'm just at my limit with it...and I need to say something to him.
If he is doing it for his
If he is doing it for his son.. he would create a picture book or digital archive that is labeled with details so that the kid has it when he is older.
thinking that the "other parent" would want to see it.. and by proxy that the son is sharing with his other parent is a far stretch. He is literally telling you that when he takes a picture of his kid that he is thinking of the other person who helped create that kid...his EX.
I honestly wouldn't care if the EX knew we went to a park or whatever... likely the girls would have shared with her what we did on a weekend or whatnot.. so that part wouldn't bother me.
BUT.. the fact that my husband was maintaining "nonessential" contact with his EX would bother me. This seems to be gratuitous. It is beyond what most people would see as being civil and your husband is too enmeshed with his Ex.
I wouldn't be okay with this
I wouldn't be okay with this at all... And it's not good for SS either. The family is divided. Instead of trying to make him feel like it's not, they need to focus more on letting him know it's divided, but that's okay and he can ace a good relationship in both houses apart from each other... Statistically that's better for the kid (and for you and your sanity so you don't snap...)
You are not being ridiculous,
You are not being ridiculous, and I'd be pissed. I can totally see sending a pic of first day of school, if you guys have him.. or if you all went to Disney World or something, but every day stupid crap?? Like oh "look BM, SS ate a prune"! "Oh look BM, SS rode his bike down the block"! "Oh look BM, SS picked his nose"!
If BM wants to see SS eat a prune, or ride his bike, or pick his nose, then SHE can share those moments with him. Unless she is some type of invalid-shut in that can't leave the house??
And his argument of "it's for SS" is dumb and irrelevant. It's for DH and it's for BM and it would be a huge no go for me.
Things I'd be comfortable
Things I'd be comfortable with DH sharing with BM:
- Pictures from school events/activities
- Pictures from public events (e.g. SS in a costume trick or treating on the street, SS playing baseball for a local team)
- Pictures of major milestones (e.g. SS's wedding, graduation, losing first tooth, taking first steps)
- Pictures of injuries
- Any additional pictures that would directly facilitate parenting in both houses (e.g. SS in a particular coat/uniform the other parent needs to buy, or a picture of where a badge needs to go on a scout uniform)
Anything that is just capturing a moment in time where I am participating in said activity, or helped pay for said activity, needs to not be shared. BM does not need pictures of the boys opening Christmas presents at our house. BM doesn't need pictures of the SSs on vacation even if it's their first time at the beach. BM doesn't need pictures of the boys with their paternal grandparents. Some memories should stay with the parent who creates them because they are memories that don't need to involve the other parent.
My compromise on this would be to list off to your DH what you are comfortable with and what you aren't comfortable with, but be reasonable. When SS loses his first tooth, let him send the picture to BM. When SS gets an award at school, let DH send that picture. But when you take SS to the park, don't let him share those. If BM wants those memories, she can make them herself.
Basically, if it's public, a milestone, a one-time thing, or needed to facilitate co-parenting, it's free to share IMO. Everything else can be done by BM with SS, so she needs to get off her behind and do it herself.
Yeah see, these are normal
Yeah see, these are normal things to share... those things I don't have an issue with - I have an issue with stopping what we're doing so that he can send a pic to bm, though.. like... really, hon? Could you not just wait until after?
Like I said earlier... I'm just going to decline doing something, and when he asks, tell him that I'm not interested in participating in something he's going to go and share with bm. If he says he doesn't want her in his life more than necessary, then he needs to cut the un-necessary out... and I'm not sharing my private life with her.
If it's important enough that he needs to capture a picture of it, he can print it off and put it in an album for ss. If ss chooses to show his mother, that's his business... but *I* will not stand with having our private life given in play by play to another woman.
That's a perfectly reasonable
That's a perfectly reasonable response.
I understand why your
I understand why your bothered but the thing is BM will know everything you guys do anyways because the kid will tell her.
Sadly I learned really quick that NOTHING is privet once the kids are around. That being said DH sending BM pictures should not impact your time with him and they should not be sent during the event.
I'm not sure how to word this but it seems like he is treating BM like family. They share a kid but his connection with her should be limited to things relating only to the children. If you guys were all buddy buddy doing group chats then fine. In this case though BM seems to be a disruptive thorn interfering with your guys life. IF DH want's to send pictures or interact with her then it needs to be outside of his interactions with you.
For example he doesn't need to contact her during the events, at meals, or any time you are all doing something as a family. In a way he needs to do it where it's not shoved in your face. From there whatever he does is his choice. You can't force him to stop sending photos of the kid and is it worth arguing over. Once you've expressed your dislike if he doesn't agree then give up. Let him know not to send them during x times and that you don't want to know about it. That he's not allowed to include you or pictures of x, y, z.
In our home pictures are fine as long as they are just the kids. They don't include street signs, my family, or our room. Other then that I can't stop him.
Think about it as if he were sharing with facebook. I put pictures of the kids at the park or other places up all the time. I have SO's permission and it's set to just friends. From there whatever. I never include enough details to harm the children. These are the photos I wouldn't care if she shared but I don't want to hear about it.
I'm fine with that. If The
I'm fine with that. If The KID wants to share his special moments with his mother, I'm fine with that... I don't see that as any different as say, a good grade in school, coming home and sharing it with whoemever. It's the kid's moment to share.
About facebook - he doesn't do facebook, despises it. He doesn't want me to share anything on facebook, because he wants to keep his life private. I share pictures with his siblings, at his request, privately... but that's it.
See how this works, dh? your ex-b!tch is my facebook. Don't share.
So what's good for him isn't
So what's good for him isn't you? Yeah this is an issue that he is demanding privacy but doesn't respect your similar request.
It's a fuzzy area because it is 'his child' but it's your guys' life. Anything he sends to her should be open to you sharing on Facebook with your family and friends is what I say.
He seems to still be to enmeshed with her. Like he wants someone to share with and she's the only option. He needs to divert this need to someone more healthy.
Either that or its some other underlining issue such as shoving it in her face how much he doesn't need her and how happy the kid is without her?
So he will not do Facebook
So he will not do Facebook because he wants his life private.
That is a rich load of poo.
Take all the good suggestions here.
Condense them into a bullet list and hand it to DH. Explain your feelings on it all briefly.
If he continues to insert BM into every moment of your life then do what you need to do to deal with it.
Your feelings on this are valid. He can make an album for SS to keep or share with Others later.
What if you are in the middle of intimate relations and you stop to take a photo and send to your ex, or your mom, or post on that DH would not like that at all.
Your feelings are valid Your
Your feelings are valid
Your DH is a hypocrite and full of horse poop
Present your feelings and pull yourself out of outings
Let it sink in and when his behavior changes, re-engage
Share on FB what you want- but be careful w/pics of his kid since it's 'his'...even if he's a hypocrite
His heart isn't in the right place, it should be pleasing his partner/wife, not his ex.
Do not kid yourself, this is NOT for the child. Child can share what he wants as you said
I don't share much on fb,
I don't share much on fb, ever. When I do share pictures, it's in private...and while my family knows better than to re-post something sent in private, his family has done so... I get it, it's their nephew, they're proud, whatever... but the last time they did that, BM saw it and it was a fiasco.
It's funny that DH believes in "happy wife happy life"... but in this case, he actually believes it's in ss's better interest for BM to be aware of his day to day stuff.
While I don't disagree on a general level that both parents should be aware of what is going on in the kids' lives... I also think that those "going on's" should be related to the child's development, health, milestones, education... and NOT silly things that even a childcare provider wouldn't send pics to the parents about.
I think I get where you’re
I think I get where you’re coming from, secret.
I don’t think it’s childish.
A little different, but same situation with me back when I still cared about wanting to have a relationship with the inlaws. I wanted to involve myself and our kids in doing things with them, but EVERYTHING was (and still is...) a photo op for them to post on social media. And, well, since my inlaws are still hot-n-heavy with DH’s ex inlaws on social media, I knew damn well BM and her entire family would be seeing these photos of me and my two very young children.
I told them to stop posting pictures of my kids on facebook - told them why. They didn’t stop. I then moved on to not allowing photos when we all got together. Like, I literally would get up and walk away with our children OR shield them from my FIL’s phone (he was the worst offender.) I then stopped sending them photos.
I totally get it. I felt very out of control with what personal and private happenings my dumbass inlaws were making public knowledge to BM and her cronies.
DH and I are NOT planning on
DH and I are NOT planning on having kids together...
but if we did... would he send pics of SS being the proud new brother to BM? Would he send her cute moments of a little kid putting his hands on my belly?
If I choose to share moments from my life, I expect that those I'm sharing it with don't overshare it... it's like gossip, but in picture form.
Exactly. It’s not their
Exactly. It’s not their place. Period.
"would he send pics of SS
"would he send pics of SS being the proud new brother to BM? Would he send her cute moments of a little kid putting his hands on my belly?"
I wonder how BM would react to getting pictures like this?
If you were to be in EVERY picture with SS would BM still want to get them? Would she look at them as DH showing her how much fun you're having with her son? What if you and DD were in the pictures?
If DH wants to include BM in SSs daily life, then maybe he should be including everyone?
I know this is totally counter productive and even more of an invasion for you but would it stop him if BM said enough, I don't want to see pictures of her?
lol, I don't think DH would
lol, I don't think DH would dare send her a pic of ss with me.
If dh sent pictures of ME or my kids to her, I'd lose my sh!t.
That makes perfect sense.
That makes perfect sense.
He's just not getting how him including BM in everything you do as a couple with SS is affecting you.
I'm not sure how to make him understand.
My thinking was if BM told him to not send pictures (because they included you) he might listen. Not ideal but at least the pictures would stop.
Then again, she'd just loose it on him, you'd loose it on him and he would go back to taking pictures of just SS.
Sorry, I didn't think that one out at ALL! Just ignore me.
I wouldn't make this about BM
I wouldn't make this about BM at all or DH will get defensive and throw the jealous card at you. I'd leave her out of it completely but make it about being present, being together when you are all out and about. When dad whips out the phone, takes pics then texts them it interrupts your time together. Just like he wants his privacy from Facebook you should be allowed to have privacy from technology for a bit. Maybe he could even be brave and leave his phone at home during one of these outings.
Love cell phones for the convenience and fact that you can be contacted quickly if there's an emergency, or call for help. The flip side is that it's a constant interruption in your life and emergencies are rare, so really they're more of a hinderance than a help.
What I find the oddest is the
What I find the oddest is the urgency of sending a photo to BM while in the middle of another activity.
I'd suggest he set up a dropbox file or something, and upload whatever he thinks she'd like to see every evening. She can go and look at those pics whenever she likes, and he's keeping her involved in SS's life... without making it an interruption of NOW in order to share. And bonus, his family can also look at the pics whenever they like.
Or just talk to him about what his values here are. From what you've said, his value is to support SS's relationship with BM. Great value. But how does he balance that with other values like HIS relationship with SS? He can't be present in nor enjoy sharing the moment with SS if he's stopping to take and send pictures, and presumably have a discussion about said pictures.
Update to this... I talked to
Update to this...
I talked to dh last night, and told him that I'd been thinking about getting a photo album for ss, so that dh can put all the pictures he takes in there for him. He says ok, sounds cool, what brought that on?
I told him that I'm starting to feel really resentful that he keeps updating BM about things that happen in our lives, and that although I know he only sends her pictures and updates about what ss does, it's really bothering me, because it makes her involved.. it keeps her in the loop about where we are as a family, what we are doing, what's going on. I told him that I really hate that he always tells her what we're up to, and that I'm not comfortable with her knowing all those details.
He was all... I don't tell her anything, what are you talking about? do you have examples?
Yep... you told her you were putting railings on the deck, you told her we got a boat, you told her we were going fishing, camping, to the movies, what we bought him for christmas, his birthday, that we were going to my mom's for dinner, that it was my birthday...
He's like, I didn't tell her, I told HIM...
Yes dear... you told HIM... but you told HIM... AT HER DOOR. You saying "hey SS we're going to Boston Pizza for Secret's birthday!" doesn't need to be done AT HER DOOR... and she doesn't need a picture of him enjoying a cool drink with garnishes... and saying "Hey buddy, we're going to fix up the boat so we can go fishing!" doesn't need to be said as she's standing there... it's none of her business, it's OUR business... you could have waited until getting back to the vehicle... I mean - isn't greeting your son more important than trying to let him know of something cool, in front of her? Why is that the first thing out of your mouth? Like you're trying to bribe his affection with fun stuff?
you don't like me posting that kind of stuff to facebook, and I don't, out of respect for you wanting to keep our private lives private - it's the same for me... our outing, our celebration, doesn't involve her, at all, and I'm not comfortable with her knowing about everything that goes on just because ss is there too. You saying these things to him in front of her, at her door, makes me think you're either trying to impress her or make her feel bad, neither of which look good... so please, if you wouldn't want me posting it on facebook, don't share it with her... put it in his album.
DH says nothing... but I could see the gears turning. We had a lovely rest of our night, though, he didn't seem mad, annoyed, nothing.
Very good. You are being very
Very good. You are being very understanding. I might add. They are divorced, she has her own time with the child, there is no need to be in constant contact or exchanging pictures like a couple does. I would flip my shit if my husband did this.