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Auntie Stepmom

SeeYouNever's picture

I have a friend who is a childfree stepmom with a 19 year old SD (she met her at about 13). She works with children for a living. Her husband is in his late 40s and she's in her 30s. The BM is a piece of work, she and SD are American citizens but ran off to another country instead of divorcing and the custody battle was brutal. SD is now going to college in the US (where her dad lives).

Anyway my friend was babysitting for her sister so that she and her husband could go out of town. She made a Facebook post about what she's doing with her young niece and nephew. It was a cute post and it seems like they are having a nice weekend. The post ended with "I love being Auntie firstname!"

Cue her MIL and SD showing up in the comments. MIL asked if SD was coming to Thanksgiving... Completely unrelated to the post. Then SD responded that she was. SD posted some other comments like "remember when...?" Type things and MIL responded to each of SDs comments. And who came by to like all of them? Her husband biodad.

First of all I don't know any other 19 year olds that are this active on Facebook. Second it was pretty clear that SD is feeling very insecure about her step mom's relationship with her niece and nephew. And third why did SD or MIL feel the need to chime in and make post all about them??

My friend posts pretty rarely, usually just pics of her husband or dogs, I guess I see why she doesn't post herself too often. 


tog redux's picture

This seems weird, but I'm confused how it shows that SD is insecure? Seems more just rude, to hijack the comments for their own agenda. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Seems like MIL and SD team up . Ya know the never ending ass kissing of the first marriage family. The second marriage wife is nothing, nada. Probably bothered MIL and SD that your friend has such a great relationship with her own family and your friend does not worship the ass of MIL and SD? Am I close? This post didnt live up to the narrative MIL and SD give out on your friend SOOOO they had to knock her down a peg or two. Pathetic, but common. Happened to me all the dang time.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

All resources must go towards the worship of the Golden Child SD. SM has no right to enjoy, admire, or give resources to any other kids, and needed help refocusing on what's ACTUALLY important. Blergh.

TwoOfUs's picture


I'm a childless stepmom and have had this exact same kind of issue. Not so much from the skids themselves but from DH...trying to keep things "even" between whet I spent on niece & nephews bs his kids.

I remember him complaining once that I thought of his kids more like on par with my niece and nephews rather than like they were my kids.

In my head I thought..."Oh, DH. It's worse than you think. The skids are *not* on par with my niece and nephews. Not even close. I love my niece and nephews far, far more than I can ever hope to love the skids." 

MissK03's picture

Yeah sounds like she was more hijacking the post to make it about them.. Facebook is such a weird place. People use their comments/likes as a power of control.. reality just makes you look needy and desperate .. IMO. 

BM liked a tagged photo (of just the beach while we were on vacation) of myself, SO, and SOs two friends and their wives.. BM is still friends with one of the wives and the one that made the post they weren't even together during their marriage so they don't even know each other. These friends of SO are childhood friends so they saw it all go down... everyone HATES BM.. yet there she is liking a post we are tagged in...LOLLL BM ok...