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Back to school night

semi's picture

At the new middle school for step-son 12. It's nice to be included and I wouldn't have it any other way but it kind of makes me a little sad sometimes... I never get to be the mom. I don't get to sign up as a parent helper (not that his mom does), I don't get to be involved every day with homework and know how he's progressing. I don't get to make decisions about what classes he takes or after school activities. He's a great kid and both he and his dad treat me with respect and appreciate what I do but I never get to be the mom.

Do any other step-moms without kids of their own ever feel this way?


semi's picture

but before I go volunteer I'll probably ask step-son if he thinks that would be "cool" or not, at that age you never know. As for classes and after school stuff though, his mom is a complete control freak and has all of his time locked up before we get to say a thing, and of course then we're expected to adjust our schedule accordingly. Pretty typical around here for BM behavior! However as I said, when it comes to step-son and his dad I do have an equal voice, but none of us have a voice that will prevail over BM. As for the rest of the issue, it's kind of silly but these events just seem to highlight the fact that my life did not head down a path that included kids of my own. Most of the time I'm totally okay with that but every now and then something happens that makes me a little sad about it.

northernsiren's picture

I can definitely see how that would be sad. I think it would be a good idea though. Keep in mind, and I don't know your situation in particular, but some times suffer from teenage mortification, and god forbid anyone know they have parents who actually CARE *the horror*

In our situation SD would always prefer her father and I show up to BM. We're "cool" parents in the sense we're funky, artistic people, BM is a train wreck, and walks around with her kid on a leash.

People at her sporting events think I'm her big sister, which is pretty funny, b/c her father and I are the same age... Wink

from my SD, the reason we're going through it all....:
o, btw, my dad and *northernsiren* are the best family a girl(and boy) could ever hope for. Thank you for helpping me through these hard times.