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Has anyone read book called Divorce Poison?

sempreforte's picture

The summary reads like my life but I never know if books will help... Anyone have a first hand read?


unwillingparticipant's picture

You piqued my curiosity so I checked it out on Amazon and it got REALLLLLLY good reviews and its around $10. I'm actually thinking of grabbing it now that you mention it. It seems to have a lot of helpful info on parent alienation syndrome and the like which is clearly what almost every single one of us deals with - thats why we're here, lol!

Most Evil's picture

Every step and divorced parent should read this book!!! It was the beginning of DH getting his life back in our case. It is a VERY important book imo.!!!! Get it!!!

Although I don't agree with their advice at the end. Read it and then write back and tell us what you think!!!