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Found a way to block BM's phone number on both our phones

Shieldmaiden's picture

I recently discovered I can block any phone number I want on my phone. (I'm not too technologically backward. I think its a new service offered by my carrier. I couldn't do it before.) Ha ha.

BM has begun sending long winded texts to my husband at 8 pm, telling him what he owes for SD's college. Well, we know what we owe and its not as much as she is claiming. Its in writing, and signed by a judge - so why is this b*tch texting us when we are trying to relax at night? It caused a small argument because I told DH I would like for him to set boundaries and not speak to her or reply to texts from her after 5 pm, as she has been warned not to do that. He agreed to reply the next day and just say "I will look into it and take care of any issues on my end." BM is still trying to rile him up, though - with constant last minute reminders and threats about money.

All the SK's are over 18 and can call us directly, so there is no issue with communication, and no reason for BM to need to contact us at this point. We are not friends by any stretch.

Anyway, I grabbed my DH's phone and blocked her number. I want to see if he notices or cares that she has stopped harassing him. I am hoping this will lead to her not using the kiids as an excuse to cause him anxiety and threaten him. The kids are able to pick up a phone so let them say their peace themselves. Mommee can retire from her job as kiddie secretary and bully now. 

Just wanted to share my secret glee. 


hereiam's picture

Good for you!

My DH told BM a long time ago that when child support was done, so were they and he would never have to speak to her, again. And, he hasn't. 

I don't think she believed him. She did call him when SD33 was about 22 and DH told her that he had nothing to say to her. She hung up on him and has never called, again.

You are correct, there is no reason, the girls can speak for themselves.

StepUltimate's picture

FYI, not sure what kind of phone he has, but be sure to block from both the Phone and Messages apps... unless you wwre able to block from his Contacts app.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Its an android phone, so you can do it from phone settings.

Rags's picture

Well played. Hopefully the SKidults all have a copy of the CO and know that their father wil provide per the CO.  Anything beyond that.... "Ask your mother."

BM will likely stroke out which is long ove due.  She will also likely add to her cat collection since she will no longer have DH as an outlet for her drama and toxic manipulations.



Harry's picture

The useser manual should be on line to look up.  Or find a 15 yo kid somewhere and they will do it for you for a slice of pizza.  BM wants  to keep relevant. Trying to keep control.  Or has nothing going on in her life.  So she wants to spread misery.  

Kids are over 18 adults. DH need not answer BM text phone calls go to voice mail .  
'Once he starts doing so things will get better.   She is looking to fill in the time before the wedding and GK ,, where she will try to control life again.  

'You have to be prepared, on losing SD, If she sides with hrr mother, and her nonsense.

Shieldmaiden's picture

That ship has sailed. I am fed up with all the SD's right now, and if they aren't smart enough to understand why at their ages, they can figure it out on their own. They have all had plenty of chances to be better human beings. 

TrueNorth77's picture

I'm always here for a good BM blocking story! There is NO reason they should still be terrorizing you when the kids are adults! Good for you!