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I can’t keep doing this

SierraV's picture

Here is what every visit is like with my boyfriend’s 7 y.o. daughter. She is here every other weekend but its always the same and i can’t stand this anymore.

Friday - She gets here around 7pm, gets settled in, there is a battle over going to bed, lots of screaming and crying.

Saturday - There’s always a fight over getting her up, dressed and fed. she refuses to do what she’s told, she cries and screams. My boyfriend plans something for them to do Saturday afternoon but she’s in trouble the whole time. He has stopped taking her unless she behaves and she never does. She refuses to eat dinner, screams more and then there’s another battle to get her into bed.

Sunday - Her behavior keeps getting worse and worse but there’s nothing we can do since she leaves for her mom’s at 4pm. The past couple of months she has been getting up at like 5am and sits next to the front door with her little suitcase and things go downhill from there. There’s more tantrums, screaming, crying. It’s a relief when she leaves.

Then 2 weeks later, it starts over and over again. I can’t stand this anymore and nothing gets better. Every visit gets worse and worse.


critterkeeper's picture

Sounds like hell, SierraV. On the bright side of things, the fact that your boyfriend is standing his ground with her and doesn't give in to her tantrums or reward bad behavior puts him lightyears ahead of a lot of people.

Is there anywhere you can go to be away from it? It's good to support your SO when they're having a rough time, but it's also okay to go somewhere and enjoy yourself. You don't have to sign on for every part of the parenting bit.

SierraV's picture

We have a small apartment and a baby. It's hard to go anywhere that u can't hear all the noise or it doesn't wake up the baby. Going to my mom's place would be the only option.

My boyfriend doesn't reward her tantrums but it doesn't help. She just gets louder and louder. Every time she comes he tries to sit her down and lay down the law on Friday and by Saturday she screams and yells and cries and gets punished and every time it gets worse.

She had an absolute screamfest on Sunday for about an hour and a half in her room.

critterkeeper's picture

Yikes. Not cool at all, especially with your baby there. Here's hoping you have a more peaceful night tonight.