Sipping Wine and Feeling Fine
but not really...
I think I am having a delayed mid life crisis. This is actually no surprise. I always was a few years behind my actual age, mentally, and physically.
My sweet old husky was put down on May 22..,goodbye my forever friend, and the best running buddy ever, no way to replace this guy.
On June 5th my job of 6 years was outsourced to a co-packer in another state. Even though that was the worst company I have ever worked for, I was hoping to retire early, in about 30 months, at 55. Although I am on the right financial track, I really do need a few more years of employment. I am tearing my hair out having an adult tantrum because I DO NOT want to start over, at the bottom of the fish tank, being "part of a winning team"....
I do not wish to play that game. Tired, tired , tired of being an actor in a play.
But ya knoooow (originally from MN, so pardon the accent), it starts back much end of January when Step son in law shot step father in law in self defense, and SFIL passed. SSIL was immediately jailed for second degree murder and it turned into a huge nightmare that continues to unfold, so, if you think you have the right to self defend in the good old USA, make dang sure all your i's are dotted and your T's are crossed, and be sure to have multiple whitnesses or the law will screw the crap out of you, as will the dishonest media. He is innocent but it will be a long hard road to prove that.
After that difficult hardship, and to make a long story short, the family dynamics changed abruptly. DH became like a husband to SD, and a bio dad to SIL and grand baby, and it's like I am now his daughter....which, of course is grossly dysfunctional. He does back flips to help them ( which I do have a heart for them and have no issues with helping them, or anyone else in a tough crisis) but...DH will then question me on simple groceries I ask for? In a normal, functional marriage, the spouse should come first, so why do I feel last on so many levels.
To make a long story short, it's very complicated on so many levels, and I just want to run and run and never look back. Why do I have to deal with all this crap in a short period of time? I am not big enough. I feel like Moses...."Please God, send someone else..."
Not sure I need advice as badly as I need a hug and a shoulder to cry on so thanks for the listen and the empathy.
With that, I will have another glass of wine, and maybe some chocolate, dark chocolate....
- Silent River's blog
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Sending you lots of hugs.
Sending you lots of hugs. That does sound like the heavens are raining down on you and your family right now. Just keep on doing what you have to to get one foot in front of the other. Wine and chocolate sound like a good start. More hugs coming your way.
I'm so sorry - it sounds like
I'm so sorry - it sounds like you have had way more than your fair share of trouble.
Sometimes you just have to take a day and say "fuck it." Eat whatever you want and drink however much you want and do whatever you want - even if that means locking yourself in your bedroom. Respond to no one's needs but your own. In other words, wallow in self pity and depression.
Or - run for a couple of days. Don't know if that is feasible. But if it is, just go. Stay in some random hotel a night or two and then come home.
Then the next day start figuring out how to handle everything. One step at a time.
One very small suggestion regarding your dog. You can never replace him - but you might be able to find a companion who fills some other niche. Instead of running, maybe cuddling on the couch. Instead of a dog, maybe a cat? It sounds like you need someone to love you unconditionally and listen to you. As you already know, a dog can do both. If you are not ready I completely understand. But when you are, it might be good for you.
Sympathy and empathy coming your way...
((((((((Silent)))))))) I'm so
I'm so sorry about your dog, it's hell losing a companion who's been there for you unconditionally. People have nothing on dogs.
The rest is...,I don't even know, just sounds like you're trying to deal with a storm over there. Vent away and I hope it helps you get through it.