Final semester grades are in...
SD15 managed to pull B's from her 2 elective classes. In her 4 core classes she ended up with two F's and two C's.
She is already behind a year and will just be starting high school in the fall. This kid really isn't going to make it though 4 more years of school.
- Silent14's blog
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Summer school? SGD-14's
Summer school? SGD-14's district encourages summer school. One class per section which winds up to actually be 13 days (9am-12). She's taking a semester of 8th grade math, so that she can start high school clear & up to speed.
If it were up to me she would
If it were up to me she would be going to summer school. There was some talk after the first semester, but apparently she pulled it together enough for it not to be a requirement. DH and BM have such low expectations. They wouldn't dare expect her to attend summer school if the school doesn't require it.
This exactly! How can a
This exactly! How can a parent be ok with F's!?!?! DH acts like my kids are overachievers, but they are just typical kids that know I expect them to work hard at school. Being lazy at school is not an option for them. If they struggle with something, I help them or make sure they ask for extra help from their teacher. There is no excuse for an F.
But Fruity!! BioHo has tried
But Fruity!! BioHo has tried to teach her girls that they don't NEED an education. They need a MAN!
The way I see it is if they
The way I see it is if they aren't worried about it dont waste your time worrying about it either. No sense in worrying about something that nobody else is worried about.
It's truly sad how many kids
It's truly sad how many kids today are are getting crap grades in school. Lazy and entitled youth who don't think they need to do the work. Shame on these kids and shame on their parents for not teaching them success in school and life is important .
Honestly in most schools the grading scales make it so easy to get decent grades with minimal effort. Unless you just aren't very bright one should fail.
If this was my SD , I would be very worried - this kid will never launch and CS will be dragged out for many extra years .
She definitely won't launch.
She definitely won't launch. Luckily, DH and I have an agreement that adult kids (mine or his) won't live with us unless they are in college. Even then, there would be some restrictions. I do worry she will always be asking for a handout. DH is pretty good about telling her no already. Hopefully that won't change.
That really is sad. I noticed
That really is sad. I noticed that when sd15 doesn't turn in work the teachers give her a 50 instead of a 0. That is 50 points she didn't earn. How does that teach a kid anything?
but but but - no child left
but but but - no child left behind, donchaknow.
... and they'll just keep
... and they'll just keep pushing her through.. giving her false hope like they do in my district. Came across a kid the other day who is a Senior with TWO credits. (you need 21.5 to graduate) WTF??? I can't believe the kid is even bothering to go to school???