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Another weird phone call

SisterNeko's picture

An automated system just called our house phone looking for bm's husband. It's weird because he has never lived here. BM supposedly didn't start dating him until after the divorce, after she moved out of the house. DH got the house and the phone number the the divorce. So there is no way his name should be associated with our number. The system gave me options and I picked the one that said that person can not be reached at this number. It thanked me and said it would update its records. I told DH and he wants to tell BM about it in person, maybe even I front of her husband. Smile

If BM is up to something I wish she would just leave us out of it. I don't want any of her shady business spilling into my house.

So weird! But the. Again I get a weird call for or about BM every couple months. The last one was a foreign exchange student program. And before that it was some social network web site for small businesses.


3familiesIn1's picture

They likely linked her to your DH based on past things and of course her current DH to her.

I get mail to my XH all the time and he has never lived here. BM got mail for me at her house - lol

imjustthemaid's picture

My parents get collection phone calls for my exhusband all the time!! They live in another state. We have been divorced for 7 or 8 yrs. He never lived with them. Its so weird and it drives them crazy. I told them to give out his cell phone number. I'm sure he was sick of getting the phone calls and gave out their number. Thats right up his alley!!

StickAFork's picture

It's probably a collection call. They can link this guy to BM, and then link BM to DH, and voila.

It's actually pretty common practice.

They can also pull physical address information and contact neighbors to that address.

Shaman29's picture

When we had a land line, we would get collection calls for Uberskank all of the time. She and DH had been divorced for years (over 10). Collection agencies will run skip traces for possible connections to their debtor.

Collection agencies love to use ex's to track down their debtors. Most of the time we're very happy to supply them with the information they need. }:)

Cheyenne Arizona's picture

They use sites like Intellus or Zaba and link names together and then usually off the common name (in your case your DH) they assume you may know where the person is. It is a common thing collection agencies do. I got a call for BM on my cell once and I gave the guy the 3rd degree, he explained it to me.

SisterNeko's picture

If it had been a real person I would have been happy to given them the correct information. Smile I have had some interesting conversations with people, of course they can't tell you why they are looking for them but you know it usually not a good sign if they are that desperate to talk to them. I get snippy when they mistake me for BM. I know it's understandable to assume when a female answers the phone that its the one your are looking for. I told one poor guy that BM got divorced, moved out and married some other guy but her kids were here if he wanted to talk to them. Lol