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BM is already complaining about SS5's teacher

SisterNeko's picture

and school hasn't even started here! The teacher assignments came out the other day and BM wasn't happy when SS5 got a different teacher than the one that she wanted him to get.

The back story on this is... BM made a comment to FDH at the end of last year that it would be better for SS5 to have this one teacher - her friend from HS, the same teacher SS7 had in kindergarten and the same teacher that we had to call the principal to report her 'favoritism' (Which we don't think BM knows about). FDH flat out told her NO. That they would let the school decide who would be the best fit for SS5 (who is getting special needs services).

The teacher that he got is the only one that made it to the IEP meeting last year, were FDH stated in there, that it was the schools choice as to who the teacher would be. SO that BM couldn't tell them later that 'they' wanted her friend.

Well FDH stopped by to get copies of the stuff the school sent - because I guess the school lost our address again - and heard BM on the phone with some one. She said that this teacher was a bitch on the field trips last year and if she doesn't like her then she is going to get him moved to mrs... (pause) as she realizes FDH is there listening. FDH snapped back at her that maybe SS5 needs someone that is a little bull-headed (like him) and will push him.

If she switches the teachers I think FDH is going to flip. We'll find out what happens when BM takes him to Orientation Thursday.


pixiedust10's picture

Sigh...I can certainly relate to this one. BM DID get the teacher switched for SS9 this year simply because her and another mom aren't friends anymore (other mom testified in first court date about BM's nuttiness), and SS9 and that other mom's kid were in the same class. She lied to us and told us the class was too big and he had to go to a new teacher. We confirmed this lie with the school already, and it's only August. Drama drama and these BM's will take it so far instead of letting these kids have a normal time at school, they can't even have a normal time at home. Wishing you luck and that the school intervenes.