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Lying to impress others

SisterNeko's picture

Is it environmental or hereditary? Because ss7 and BM both have it.

DH seems to let it slide but it annoys the piss out of me when ss7 makes stuff up. So I usually call him out on it. Is that wrong? Last time they were here I got on him about his new habit of every time I tell him something he responds with 'yeah I know' ''that is what i was going to do' ect. when I know he didn't know or he was headed in a different direction.

So I called him on it and told him to stop it adding that it didn't make him look better if anything it made him look stupid. He proceeded to tell me that kids at school call him stupid. I told him that when you make stuff up and say dumb things without thinking then yeah people are going to think that your stupid.

Was it nice, no. But it's true and I know ss7 also loves to talk like non- stop. If two people are talking he will act like he knows what they are talking about just to chime in then makes stupid comments that make no sense. Or if some one asks a question he will answer even if he does know the answer. He makes things up all the time instead of just saying nothing or I don't know.

He is defiantly BM's son though. She does all of that too and yeah I call her on it too when it's directed at me. Smile just last week I noticed that BM signed up to speak at career day in ss7 class. I would love to be there when BM explains what she does since she listed her job title as 'assistant dean' at the local college but their staff directory lists her as 'assistant to the dean' now there is nothing wrong with being a secretary BM. And it's not the first time BM has told someone that was her title she also told ss5 neurologist.

While I would love to break ss of it how can you when BM sets the example if it being completely okay to do it?


SisterNeko's picture

Oh I just checked the website again and BM is listed as administrative assistant. Is it bad that I what to email teacher and tell there was a typo! Lol should I?

PeanutandSons's picture

My SS does the "know it all" lying and SD does the "I'm so great" lying.

SS response to anything is I know or I was just going to do that. And he constantly answers question that he has no idea about. Or corrects people with incorrect information.

SD is always the best at everything. Every story she tells you would think she was anointed by Jesus himself. I can't tell if she's really this self centered and this is truly how she percieves thing, or if she is knowly exaggerating an lying to make her self look better. Example: in gym that had some gymnastics move that required a partner. Her story was that every single person in her class chose her to be their partner ....every single one and no one else got picked at all. SS called bill shot on her and started picking holes in her story so it slowly slowly changed until the truth came out....she was picked twice.

MotherTrucker's picture

I think it might be his age too. My SD8 does the "yeah, I know" and the "I was going to say that". It drives me crazy! I have called her out on it too. When I tell her something and she says "yeah, I know", I will tell her "no, you didn't know, or we wouldn't be having this conversation". I hate when people come accorss as knowing everything about everything.

SisterNeko's picture

I think that is what it says on her LinkedIn page too. So I wonder if people from work see that and wonder or if they know she is full of crap already. Yes there is a huge difference between the two. At some point I think people will realize what she is doing like tomorrow at career day when she explains what she does which will all be lies, ss thinks that she is a teacher. I wonder what her boss would think about her telling people that?

HadEnoughx5's picture

In my situation, Swamp Hole is a chronic, lying, manipulative, narcissistic bitch. SD14 is Swamp Holes "mini me" and is exactly like her. I tell my DH that SD is a 3rd generation of this behavior. Swamp Hole's mother is the first generation to my knowledge. SS11 also lies, but is far from Swamp Hole and Mini me.

SS13, however has different problems. He has ADHD and Aspergers. He is socially behind the 8 ball. He also talks non-stop and has no idea what's happening in conversation. It's very difficult to have conversation with him, it's like talking in circles that make no sense at all. He also goes to a social therapy group for learning social skills. He just recently learned that he doesn't have to keep talking to "fill in" the silence or that he doesn't have to have a comment in everything. He does lie, but I think it's from Swamp Holes " home schooling of lies".

IMO, just be careful to not group your skids behavior into that of "hereditary of BM". It might be something else going on.

SisterNeko's picture

Oh yeah ss7 is getting tested in June for attention, school, anxiety and sleep problems. So we think there may be more to it than just the lying. He has a super hard time with waiting, rushes through everything making careless mistakes, struggles with fine motor skills. I could see a lot coming out after her gets tested. I am not a doctor and I don't want to label him but I think there is some underlying problem. We have provided videos and testimonies from other people so when BM goes in there and says she doesn't have these problems they will know she is lying. She does know that we have given it to therapist because we kind of want her to lie so psychologist can see what we are dealing with.

RedWingsFan's picture

Stepdevil14 is just like BM. A lying, manipulative, narcissistic attention whore. It could be a learned thing since she's witnessed how her mother has always been and now she's emulating her.

An example of lying to impress: DH and I had started walking after dinner every evening last spring to try and get a little bit of exercise in. SD14 said that she could do 100 sit ups and 100 push ups in 10 minutes. We asked her to demonstrate her superb exercise skills in front of us. Mind you, at this point, she was one of the LAZIEST kids I'd ever seen and was a good 30+lbs overweight. It was CLEAR as a bell that she never exercised (and I'm not putting her down, as I don't exercise much either and have about 20lbs or so to lose myself).

She claimed that she was embarrassed to work out in front of anyone. So we said we'd turn around. Then she said she only worked out in the morning before school and it was evening and she was full from dinner (she had 2 huge plates of spaghetti and a half of a loaf of garlic bread). Ok, we waited till the next morning which was Saturday, and asked her to perform her workout for us. She then said she doesn't work out on Saturdays.

So we debunked her theory that she was this super exerciser and could do the feats she claimed. Then she got pissed we were basically calling her a liar. DH said "well then prove us wrong", but she refused.

Another time we were walking downtown and passed a wine shop. We were a good 100ft from the entrance of the store, and the doors were closed due to the chilly temps that day. I mentioned that I love a good glass of wine. SD14, in all her lying prowess, stated loudly "I can SMELL the wine they're making, all the way from here!" Ok, huh? For one, it wasn't an WINERY, it was simply a bottled wine SHOP. They don't MAKE wine there. She didn't believe me and claimed it smelled like roses and grapes. Finally DH said "quit lying, you can't smell the wine, it's not being made there, we're too far away and the doors are closed, plus the wine is all corked up in bottles". SD looked at him and said "I have super smelling ability just like my mom does".

I could go on and on about the shit this kid lies about. Seriously, she's JUST LIKE HER MOTHER!

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep, she'll be the one who will later claim all sorts of wonderful things I'm sure...and all of it will be BULLSHIT

whatwasithinkin's picture

SD17 lies like a rug, but she also has a embellishment technique.

if she strums a guitar she is trying out for american idol.

if she says she is going on a run, and runs two blocks and walks six, she is entering a maraton and is a "runner"

if she does yoga for 5 minutes one day she will claim she does it every day for two hours...

SisterNeko's picture

You know it may be my fault some what when it comes to BM lying about her job. Even though I am a SAHM now, I wasn't before. And it's funny when SS7 says BM has done this and been to all these places I just laugh. Before I moved here and met DH, I was (not to give too much about me away) working in the sports\entertainment industry. I worked 40 to 60 hours a week making 'ok' money but I got to travel all over the country and at times the world. I got dressed up everyday for work and went to fancy parties with 'celebrities'. Oddly enough though I don't talk about it much now. I don't miss working every weekend from April to August, I don't miss the jet lag and I don't miss not seeing my house for days. while I don't brag about it I am also not impressed when BM has to go to the nearest big city for 'work' or works late because she is SO important or shows up to drops off dressed to the hilt like kind of VIP.

Girl you can have all that. Give me my comfy pants, messy hair, stay at home, laid back life.

On a side note though SS7 has commented that BM has been here or there and sometimes I admit to going there too but unlike BM i have the pictures to prove it. I love taking pictures and I have a lot from my travels.