the notebook (and some venting)
no not the movie, the notebook that BM left with the boys after her and BF got into it about me. Well apparently we have not been using it right. We had been using it like a journal, writing what we did and BF's thoughts and feeling on some matters, since he can't tell her on the phone becuase she doesn't let him get a word in half the time (she literally talks over him). I guess it was just to be used for need to know info and questions. (feeling are not need to know i guess) WHAT EVER, it's a notebook it's not like it came with instructions, she just left it there with a ton of stuff written in it about the boys.
The best part is this time it came with a note - one that was not in the notebook but a lose page - front and back. It was like a love note to BF telling him what a good father he was (which was repeated many times) and how she would never think about taking the boys away from him. Adding that they should stop keeping notes on each other and stop fighting so much. And the best part she referrers to us at one point as "You and whoever you are with".
First the 'love letter' - BF told her during there fight when she said that she was making record of the times I have messed up, that it was fine becuase we are keeping record on her too. Well since then there have been a string of issues where BM has basically dropped the ball and then lied about it. BF looked into the matters just to see what was going on with his kids, not really to 'check up on her' but as a result some things have been called into question about her honesty. In reality BF is just trying to be actively involved in the decision making process for THEIR kids. Because at least twice now they have come to an agreement but then after the fact BM does something else that works better for her and then expects BF to just go with it and understand HER feelings. Oh and there was a part in there too about not bad mouthing each other any more. Which we don't do (in front of the kids). But that I think relates to the last doctor's appointment that she did not go to and they ask BF some questions and he gave honest answer but it wasn't all 'flattering' for BM. And none of it was made up, BF only said what he saw first hand, like BM carrying SS4 to the doc appt the last time they went. If it was about stuff that went on at her house she just said "I don't know , you have to ask her".
Now the "You and whoever you are with" - this out right ticked me off. I think it shows what she really thinks of our relationship, she thinks it is temporary. I mean she knows my name. The kids call me by name. BF and I have been together for a year. I am the only girlfriend that he has had since the divorce. So it's not like he has had a steady stream of GF's coming into the boys' lives. It's just me and will only be me for the foreseeable future. We call her man by his name and she has only had one guy since the divorce so why would it be unheard of for BF to have found 'the one' again?
So after the intital anger of reading that trash, BF and I let it settle before talking about it (and we waited for the kids to go to bed). The 'mean' side of you always wants to send your own letter and tell her off, but 'reason' has a much better plan. Do NOTHING. Since sending a letter in the first place has to be the DUMBEST thing in the world, sending one back is even DUMBER. BF is going to do nothing, act like he never even got the letter - which by the way I put back inside the notebook along with the page that fell out as a result of her ripping out the back page to create her 'love' note. (but I did copy it for our records, in case we need proof that she is crazy) If it can't be kept inside the notebook then it should not have been sent, it's not like BF wants anything to do with her so why would he want to keep that little love note?
And another reason NOT to send a letter/note back. I think BM was fishing for a complement of her own. She wants BF to tell her that she is a good mother, I am sorry a good mother would have gotten their autistic son into summer school no matter what it took. Plus if you really are a good mother, you generally don't need to me told that you are.
The last thing I need to vent about (sorry this is getting long). When BM dropped the boys off she handed BF a invite to a birthday party this weekend. She told him about it and SS6 was excited (and standing right there) about it but BF and I already had plans for this weekend. BF simply said no and then reminded SS6 that my Sister and her kids were coming to town (from out of state) and we had plans that day to go to the beach on the great lakes. SS6 was sad at first then he remembered that I told him that my Sister has a son his age and then he was fine and excited again. BM frowned and told BF that if he wasn't going to the birthday party then BF needed to call them, becuase she had already RSVP'd him for the party! on OUR weekend!?! I was standing at the door and if i hadn't been holding my cat at the time I might have ran out and choked her. And she didn't even think to call or txt before RSVPing him. God she ticks me off. She just does not think.
Now I am waiting, since she sent the note she is going to think that everything it fine again. She said in the note that they didn't have to be friends of hang out but I bet that is going to be her next step. She will start thinking that BF likes her again. Please can I smack her - just once?
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Yes you can. Smack her!..
Yes you can. Smack her!.. It's amazing how sticky situations can be. A response to the letter can make things difficult for the children. No response to the letter can seem as encouragement for more mess.
Keep your head up. She'll eventually get a life.
Yeah we are screwed either
Yeah we are screwed either way. I told BF I was not 'agreeing' to anything, of course it wasn't even addressed to me
Not responding could make her just as mad as responding becuase either way she was not going to get what she wanted - which was 'okay, let's be friendly and go back to doing everything your way.'
I am starting to think that she may be 'missing' BF again. She wants her cake and eat it too. Sadly it's MY cake now and I will only share with kids, not people that act like kids.
That was one of the best
That was one of the best suggestions I have ever seen!
OMG that would be funny! I
OMG that would be funny! I would totally do it but I think BF would kill me becuase she would call him and chew him out (again) and she would know that i did it
becuase BF doesn't have the balls for something like that.