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SKid is going to be 'that' kid at school

SisterNeko's picture

SS7 will be that kid that gets picked on at school. I warned FDH about it this week. He starts 2nd grade in 2 weeks (I can't wait). But unless something changes I told FDH that as he gets into higher grades he will be picked on in school.

Why do I say that?

First - the other day he was playing with his little friend (about a year older than him) and he made the comment to him "Don't you love it when you mom gives you kisses?" The kids kind of looked at him funny and was like "no not really" (classic little boy response) and SS7 chimed in again "well I do." He cries so easy and he is s sweet kid - but I swear he should have been a girl. lol. He is in Therapy to get over some of his 'anxiety' but he is still a mommy's boy.

Second - He smells and has eczema. We are hoping that it changes when he starts school but at least every other week (on BM's Weeks) he is going to he 'the smelly kid' in school. BM only makes him take a bath on Wednesdays. He sweats a lot and by the time she drops him off on Sunday he goes straight to the bath because the smell makes FDH and I sick. And we make him take a bath every other day - but some times every day when it's hot out. BM also sends him to school in dirty cloths and mis-match out fits. His Face is usually really dry and red/scaly unless you remind him to put lotion on every day.

Third - he does not pay attention. Last year he ran into a wall and gave himself a bloody nose. And ran into a fence - twice. Then he puts his shoes on the wrong feet and/of does not put them on tight (sloops around in them) and I hand full of times I have sent him to school with his shirts on backwards because I tell him once to fix it and if he doesn't I assume he wants it that way.


TASHA1983's picture

He only takes a bath on Wednesdays at BM's??? That is disgusting!!! WTF is wrong with that woman???

SisterNeko's picture

Tell me about it. It's gross. There have been a few times we picked them up from her house to go somewhere and we have started allowing for time to go back to the house and clean him up first.

imjustthemaid's picture

Oh no he is going to be the smelly kid!! Hopefully the kids are nice about it but I doubt it.

SD was 12 and still believed in the easter bunny. We thought for sure she was going to get beat up. She was also still playing with bratz dolls in the big dollhouse we had. Her hair looked greasy all the time. This kid was a mess.

A few weeks in she started bathing more and stopped with the barbie dolls so I am guessing some kids made fun of her enough to change her ways.

It sucks because once you are that kid, it follows you forever!!!

newbiemommy's picture

You never know.... My SD11 is the smelly kid, and she acts like a baby (recently find her sneaking pee smelling stuffed animald to school) and no one makes fun of her. I thought FOR SURE middle school would cure her of peeing on herself.... Nope! So far a couple times a week. I think her teacher feels sorry for her so she gets treated special when she had "little accidents".

Stepcop's picture

Hopefully peer pressure will take care of what bm won't, I'm so sorry. I had to remind sd13 to bathe for a long time. I no longer do, just don't care. Sometimes she brushes her teeth. Middle school hasn't helped her any either. Just taught her new cuss words and sexual positions.

SisterNeko's picture

I think he will change - some - Last year in 1st grade we noticed some changes. BM does everything for him still and FDH told her to knock it off because the teacher isn't going to and sure enough the Teacher didn't and SS7 was so last for a few weeks.

SisterNeko's picture

I really don't know and it's worth noting that even though we bath him more at the end of the week his bedroom still smells funny - I go in there with air fresher, freebee and Lysol as soon as he leave. So his room at BM's house has to be awful.