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sometimes it pays to be oblivous

SisterNeko's picture

while I do think SS8 notices little things I don't think he has put it all together to realize that BM is losing interest in him, not that she had a lot of interest in him to begin with. I know it really doesn't concern me but it does break my heart to watch it. So this is just a little vent.

When I met BM 3 years ago she was MOTY. She took them to all their doc appts. and went to every school function and always took them home with her afterward for a hew hours. She regularly volunteered at the school, reading in class, showing up for lunch and chaperoning field trips. Every chance she got to be with SS8 or SS6 she took it, understandably so.

but now she doesn't do most of that any more. In a meeting a few weeks ago to have SS8 tested for ADHD she admitted that her new job (which she took 2 years ago) doesn't allow her as much time off but she only brought it up because DH and I putt he job change on our questionnaire. Yet in July she told DH that she had all of this Comp time to use up. She argues with DH about taking the boys to doc appts. she doesn't want to any more unless its a really important one and DH doesn't mind doing it but he has to know ahead of time. she doesn't take them home with her any more after school stuff.

There for awhile DH and I though they were having money troubles. BM had always brought the boys stuff wither they needed it or not but that has stopped and what she does buy is cheap stuff. It broke my heart that she promised SS8 a 3DS for him birthday and he asked about it for over a month afterwards, it never showed up. Now 'santa' is bringing it, but BM just got a new car and a camper?

She doesn't call him any more at our house (EOW custody) she didn't go to over half of his football practices.

Sadly she takes way more with SS6. She will call to talk to him and then hang up when she is done, she goes to more ov his school stuff and takes him to most of his doc appts. She even takes him back to her house for extra time.

it's just so sad and heart breaking how could you not want your own child.


SisterNeko's picture

funny side note about BM and her new car. Yesterday when we dropped the boys off BM was very excited and SS8 pointed the new car out to us. We politely smiled and nodded. It is a nice car and BM needed it, she had a old minivan that was having issues but silver sports car? Really BM? Good luck getting your kids in and out of that.

the joke was her though, we knew she got a new car SS8 had told us and someone at work had told DH, but the week before we had talked to a few people about trading in DH's truck for a new one. We could get a great deal so we took the boys to the dealer Saturday and we looked at some trucks, let the boys climb in them and help us pick a color, even made an offer on one Smile So as her hubby was helping DH unload SS8's 4 wheeler DH made it a point to ask him where they got the car because the dealer in town has tried to rip us off twice now. Then he told him we were getting a new truck and the details. Hubby asked why we were doing it, our truck was only a could years old. DH laughed and said it's only a year old but we got such a good deal then that we can trade it in and get another brand new truck with all the bells a whistles for only $6 more a month and no interest for 72 months. All in all was save about 3 grand or more.

DH called BM later to talk to her because she didn't talk to him at all during the drop off she just smiled and went inside. She wasn't as chipper on the phone as she had been in person. Between hubby and ss8 telling her all about our NEW truck and SS8 also got a brand new 3DS XL at our house (we felt bad BM lied and we offered it to him if he tried harder at football) yeah whatever junk she had for him must have seemed worthless. that is what you get BM when you try to buy your kids love.