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At what point do you toss in the towel BM?

SisterNeko's picture

Her husband of almost 2 years has turned out to be a real price of work, leaving DH and I to wonder when BM will kick him to the curb, sadly we don't think she can afford to be alone.

This spring we found out the he was involved in insurance fraud but rolled over on the guy he used to work for to avoid jail time. That guy took a plee agreement but needless to say the guy is upset with 'chubby'. So we recently found out, because chubby works with DH and he told everyone at work that CPS is investigating him for something that happened years ago. Chubby think its that guy that is trying to get him in trouble for something that happened awhile ago.

On a side note DH contacted CPS to make sure the skids are safe only to find out that some one filing a complaint involving ss8 back in January but it was never investigated so DH is going to go request a copy of the report to see what it was.

Back to Chubby, I guess Saturday, he fell off a thing at work and broke 3 vertebrae. Yeah I can't see BM taking care of him for the rest of her life or taking the financial hit should he be unable to return to work.

I am just saying, when do you take the blinders off?


SisterNeko's picture

I don't but chubby loves to gab at work and everyone runs to tell DH, who also doesn't care. I mean it's not like we seek out info. Then we chubby got hurt I think BM was fishing for sympathy which she did not get from DH.